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Showing posts from January, 2019

Grace Has Appeared

Day 292 Reading: Titus 1:1 - Titus 3:15 One of the words we find used by the Apostle Paul is grace. Grace is unmerited favour. Paul told the Corinthian church that he was made by grace. Regularly we see Paul saying that grace gave him the strength to press on. He consistently began his letters by praying for grace, peace and mercy upon the listener and reader. Is the grace of God for special people? As I read the Book of Titus, I was amazed by one statement: that grace has appeared to all mankind. Many think that grace is not available for all. Many even question if God's grace is available? Others say that grace is only available when you religiously follow God. Paul when writing he said that when the love and kindness of God appeared because of His mercy God saved and justified us by His grace. Grace is what made sure that the charge against you in God's court was ruled out. When Jesus shed His blood and rose again He laid an offering in Heaven that paid the ...

Stir Up The Gift Within!

Day 291 Reading: 2 Timothy 1:1 - 2 Timothy 4:22 We live in a day and age where people admire giftings. When we think of Serena Williams we think of the gift she is in tennis, when we think of Mozart we think of classical music and I could list many giftings that society admires. One day while thinking about my place here on earth God reminded me that I am gifted. Please say it to yourself, " I am gifted".  Life has a way of dividing people into haves and have nots and many times we believers seem to think we are in the realm of have nots. Paul whilst writing to Timothy reminds him to stir up the gift within him. Paul was telling Timothy there is potential inside of you and it cannot become something unless you awaken it. God placed gifting in you. It's your responsibility to stir up the gift within to be able to shine like a star in God's eyes.  Why must we stir up every gift within us? God has not given us a spirit of fear. Fear is one reason many hav...

Hunger For Truth

Day 289 Reading: 2 Thessalonians 1:1 - 3:18 One of the worst things that can happen is to meet a bad teacher. You see teachers help develop the mind. A good teacher will cause a student to question and seek knowledge that benefits their development. A bad teacher, on the other hand, brings knowledge that doesn't grow a person. Instead, it derails the mind of the learner from the truth and sets them on a course of falsehood. Paul in writing the second letter to the Thessalonicans is having to address the issue of false teachers. False teachers cause people to walk in error. May I ask you what teachings or thoughts have you imbibed that are false doctrine? What have you read, heard or thought that has hindered your walk with God? Ever heard something agreed with it because it sounded right but something was not right?  We live in a day and age where our ears need to have sieves to be careful about what we allow into our minds and hearts as teachings. We need to ...