Day 292
Reading: Titus 1:1 - Titus 3:15
One of the words we find used by the Apostle Paul is grace. Grace is unmerited favour. Paul told the Corinthian church that he was made by grace. Regularly we see Paul saying that grace gave him the strength to press on. He consistently began his letters by praying for grace, peace and mercy upon the listener and reader. Is the grace of God for special people?
As I read the Book of Titus, I was amazed by one statement: that grace has appeared to all mankind. Many think that grace is not available for all. Many even question if God's grace is available? Others say that grace is only available when you religiously follow God.
Paul when writing he said that when the love and kindness of God appeared because of His mercy God saved and justified us by His grace. Grace is what made sure that the charge against you in God's court was ruled out. When Jesus shed His blood and rose again He laid an offering in Heaven that paid the price for our salvation. Grace is what we encounter when we accept that Jesus has paid the price for us enabling us to be born again for we are only saved by grace.
Why has God's grace appeared to all mankind?
- That we should become heirs of salvation. Salvation was to restore man to his rightful place. Because of the sin of Adam and Eve man lost his place. Salvation opens the door for your restoration.
- To teach us to live godly lives. God desires that our lifestyles manifest His glory. God desires that we live and walk in godliness or as I once heard it said, walk in God-likeness. Let people see you are like God unless you are the god.
- Deny worldly lusts. We live in a world that is dark. The world is driven by lust. Mankind is driven by the lusts of this world. We the partakers of God's grace are to be driven by the love of God and not lust after God's blessings. Lust is a strong evil desire that finds its centre in the heart of a person.
- God's grace has appeared that we live soberly. Ever seen a drunk person walking. They can't walk straight. Many today are not straight in their lives. God desires that you and I look within and search where are we not walking in sobriety before Him.
Don't take the grace of God for granted. Let the grace of God in you cause you to become the person God ordained you to be.
Memory Verse: Titus 2:11
Titus 3:14
And let our people also learn to maintain good works, to meet urgent needs, that they may not be unfruitful. (italics mine)
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