The news about the miners rescue has filled the atmosphere with a real lever of optimism. What began as a sad tale has ended well. As I have followed this story over the last 69 days I have had a few thoughts about some of the symbolism of this whole experience. In life we all will find ourselves in a pit (mine) of some sort.Thus the decision to see what I could learn from these great gentlemen.
Firstly, they were miners. Do you realise that we all are miners in life? You may not mine for copper but as a lawyer you are mining legal matters that bring you profit. You may be a doctor whose responsibility is to mine to the root of the issue that is troubling a patients body!! We all are mining for a living!!!
The miners numbered 33. Jesus was 33 when He was buried. After He died He was buried before He arose. We saw 33 men come out alive. Talk about a resurrection in their lives and in the lives of the men, families, and nation.
Each miner underwent change. Whilst in the darkness of the mine we discovered things about them that were amazing. Being in the mine they become stronger mentally. To hear one say that he was closer to God now than ever was a blessing. No matter how deep the pit you are in remember its a place to become stronger.
One miner maintained his fitness routine. This really challenged me. I may not be in the best conditions in life but that does not mean I cannot maximise the moment. I may find myself in some sort of mine but that does not mean I cannot enjoy where I am at the moment. My enjoying life is not determined by what I have but what I make do with what I have now!!!
For another miner this period of darkness was a period to solidify, place a premium, place value on a relationship. At times in life we go through a dark period and worry about losing a lot when we should not be focusing on the loses. The dark period is a place where the foundations of relationships become stronger and firmer. Somehow for this miner he came to the realisation that he needed to marry. What in life are you relating with but it is not settled down i your life? It may not be a relationship with a person only but what in life have you just taken for granted and need to really make it concrete in that area!!! Is it a financial business plan that is there in dream but not actioned? Is it a walk with God that is non-committal?
Whilst in darkness we also got to learn hidden things. This for me was a test about character. Busy as life may be character is better than the gift any time. Character will carry the gift to the joy of everyone. Yes we all have flaws but character development is what enables on to survive the dark pits of a mine. Be careful that when you fall into a pit we don't focus on your wrongs but remember your good deeds. There is nothing hidden that won't be revealed. That's why mercy is a good trait to have. Merciful people easily find mercy. Remove any relationship that is toxic in your life.
One miner was responsible for maintaining the spirits of the miners. Life is best lived with encourager's and not moaners or complainers. To get out of the pits of life you need to have not just a positive can do attitude but surround yourself with people who infect you with the courage to see above the dark clouds surrounding you. To soar in life we need to surround ourselves with propellers that allow us to rise above the storm. Those propellers are encourager's who may be friends or teachers of life. By the way it really pays to be an encourager in the storm, the media companies say that miner responsible for encouraging them and also their spokesperson has a lucrative career ahead.
While in the pit of life we some times feel like we have lost it all. But one thing I have learnt is that a better life awaits one. All the miners have been promised better jobs. Stop crying and counting the small pennies. Get ready for promotion. Look up because the only way forward is up in every level in life. Initial reports said that the miners would come out in December but they came out earlier. My hope and prayer is that as there was a turn around for the miners may you also have the same!!!
I could write more but I will end by saying as David said "I waited patiently for God to help me; then he listened and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out from the bog and the mire, and set my feet on a hard, firm path, and steadied me as I walked along. He has given me a new song to sing, of praises to our God. Now many will hear of the glorious things He did for me, and stand in awe before the Lord, and put their trust in Him. -The Living Bible."
This is excellent and encouraging.
ReplyDeleteMe Likes. Excellent message bro. - Ozy
ReplyDeleteAmen Pastor Charles. The world got to be reminded that God is still on the throne and in control. He is still the same God of yesterday. The same God who preserved Jonahs' life in the belly of the fish has done it for THE 33 in the pit. Bless His name!!! Today they can say Psalms 40:1-3 with confidence and conviction. We can apply so many elements of this event to our daily walk with God. May we all draw close to God for He is a rewarder of those that deligently seek Him... Be Blessed!!!! by: Charms