Everyone is born with a desire to achieve. Not everyone's desire is the same thus measuring desire for achievement cannot be computed by an equation without taking into account many factors that vary with every person. Over the last few weeks as I have looked within and without and I have felt the need to change my life is what God desires most. One cannot achieve much in life without change. We are constantly tweaking areas of our lives to achieve more. Change is a constant in our lives whether we like it or not.
The bible is replete with examples of men and women who achieved fulfilment in life when they changed. Elisha changed from a farmer to being the person God called him to be. Esther changed from the simple girl to the being a queen after 1 year of beautification; the disciples were changed from mere men to becoming apostles after spending time with the Master.
The time for change is here. The challenges we are facing in life are to help cultivate the conditions necessary to birth a new person. This season of change will see you and I emerge as beautiful butterflies. It may be rough right now and all may appear not to understand you and I, but be still and know that God is in control Psalms 46:10. God is orchestrating change in our lives and whoever cooperates with Him will bear fruit.
I want to encourage you to see your change. See your new season as one of fruitfulness and not failure; see your new season as one of soaring higher than ever before; see your life turning around to becoming a fruitful vine wherever there has been barrenness. See yourself possessing your dreams in your hands and winning every fight to possessing your dream. Feed your faith in God to see your destiny being fulfilled. Once you begin seeing your dreams bigger than your current scenario then begin to make adequate changes to achieving those dreams reality.
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