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Showing posts from February, 2019


Day 294 Reading: Hebrews 7: 1 - Hebrews 13:25 Faith is a position. Faith is a state of being. Faith in God is confidence in His Word. Faith is to believe in God. The Bible is filled with examples of faith. Jesus while walking on earth mentioned faith a number of times. Each time Jesus spoke of faith in the gospels we see a miracle.  The disciples were with Jesus in a boat when a storm arose yet Jesus was asleep. They woke Him up crying and asking whether He cared that they were perishing. Jesus not only spoke to the storm he however also made a stunning statement of His disciples questioning why they were fearful and had no faith! Mark 4:40 . Every time I read this portion of scripture I always ask whether I am walking in faith. The disciples were riding in a boat with the Master of the Universe and they panicked when trouble arose. How many times do you and I panic when trouble hits? Silence in Heaven doesn't mean God has abandoned you? God cares for you and the storm...


Day 293 Reading: Hebrews 1:1 - Hebrews 6:20 In constructing a building they will tell you that the foundation is key to how the structure will stand. We constantly find that the writers of the letters in the New Testament had to grapple with the folk who believed in the superiority of the Law of Moses to the finished work of Jesus Christ. This was an issue that the author of the letter of Hebrews had to contend with. The Book of Hebrews lays foundations of the faith. The author makes us understand that God is the builder of all things and that Jesus is the sure foundation. Why do we need to understand the foundation of our faith and its basic tenets? So that we may not be drawn away from the place of knowing our faith. For many believers today we only have a fuzzy knowledge of Christianity? You may respond and tell me I am not a pastor or you didn't study theology. However, this is the misconception of today that has blinded many. Imagine living life without knowing th...

God My Employer

Day 292 Reading: Philemon 1:1 - Philemon 1:23 God is interested in every aspect of our lives. He is not just a God who answers our big prayer needs but also interested in our small day to day details. God sees everything and thus when Paul writes the letter to Philemon we learn about God's heart to employers. Firstly, God is the biggest employer in the universe. Look at creation and you will realise that God has many employees. God's employees range from the angelic to human. In God's system, God has many tools to use that all work for Him. He is the Master and in control of everything. However, God has given mankind a free will. That free will gives you the ability to either recognise your employer or disregard His intentions for you. Many today go about their business without consideration of who God is. When as a believer you don't view your vocation as part of your worship to God then mediocrity is the result. I am at a place in my life where the im...