Day 294
Reading: Hebrews 7: 1 - Hebrews 13:25
Faith is a position. Faith is a state of being. Faith in God is confidence in His Word. Faith is to believe in God. The Bible is filled with examples of faith. Jesus while walking on earth mentioned faith a number of times. Each time Jesus spoke of faith in the gospels we see a miracle.
The disciples were with Jesus in a boat when a storm arose yet Jesus was asleep. They woke Him up crying and asking whether He cared that they were perishing. Jesus not only spoke to the storm he however also made a stunning statement of His disciples questioning why they were fearful and had no faith! Mark 4:40. Every time I read this portion of scripture I always ask whether I am walking in faith. The disciples were riding in a boat with the Master of the Universe and they panicked when trouble arose. How many times do you and I panic when trouble hits? Silence in Heaven doesn't mean God has abandoned you? God cares for you and the storm cannot kill you.
Four times Matthew records in his gospel a phrase that Jesus used. The phrase was little faith. Each time He used this phrase it was in reference to the state of faith amongst His disciples. I believe even today Jesus is asking every believer to examine their faith level. Jesus asked his disciples to consider the fact that God clothes the flowers and feeds the animals; how much more you and I His children (Matthew 6:30). The second instance where Jesus made this statement the disciples and Jesus were in a boat and before He rebuked the storm He asked the disciples why they were fearful in the storm tying it to their little faith (Matthew 8:26). The third instance, Peter had asked Jesus to invite him to walk on water. Peter whilst walking on water lost focus and began to sink. Jesus reached out to Him and asked why he doubted whilst using the phrase little faith. Little faith will soon be overcome by doubt. (Matthew 14:31). The last instance the disciples had forgotten to carry bread and whilst they were in a conversation with Jesus where He was warning them about the leaven of the teachers of the day He rebuked them for not understanding what He was speaking about as they associated leaven with physical bread whilst Jesus was interested in the spiritual. In the midst of their arguing about bread, Jesus wondered why they had forgotten the miracle of bread multiplied and thus asked them why they reasoned as such calling them of little faith! (Matthew 16:8).
A centurion approached Jesus on behalf of a servant that was sick. Jesus was willing to go to the house of the centurion to pray for the servant. Firstly, Jesus was willing to go to the house of a gentile. Let that be a lesson for the believer that to be like Jesus means being willing to go where religion wouldn't go. The centurion quickly remarked to Jesus that he understood the principles that Jesus operated by. He understood authority and realised that Jesus has authority over sickness. Jesus didn't need to go to the house, all He needed to do was speak the world and anyone below the rank of Jesus would obey His words. Faith is manifested in words spoken. Jesus remarked that in all of Israel He hadn't met such great faith. The response from the centurion led to the servant being healed instantly (Luke 7:1-10).
Faith is what is required to be mixed with the Word of God that we may enter the promised land. Paul writing to the Corinthian church asked them to examine themselves if they are in the faith? 1 Corinthians 13:5. May I ask you a question? Where is your faith? Faith is only in looking at Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith.
Memory Verse: Hebrew 11:1
Hebrews 12:1
Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us (italics mine)
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