Day 296
Reading: 1 Peter 1:1 - 1 Peter 5:14
Challenges are the way of life. We celebrate winners because they overcome hurdles. Think about it, how many times do we celebrate those who innovate or break into new frontiers. The Wright brothers did what no other person had done. They flew a plane. They conquered the law of gravity with the law of flight. Was it a one day exercise? No, it took years. The worked on a plane from 1899 to 1903 when a power plane flew and continued to perfect it and the first practical aeroplane flew in 1905. Thomas Edison is celebrated for inventing the light bulb which he displayed after many failed experiments to get it to work.
Peter in writing to the churches encourages the believers to understand the place of process. He helps the believer understand the period between the trial and deliverance or a miracle is necessary. It's necessary for you and me to learn about trusting God fully. Peter exhorts the believer to fully rest his or her hope on the grace that has brought our salvation to us. I know you might think that not right especially in the microwave world we live in however, the process is needful for your faith to mature.
The purpose of the trial is to ensure the genuineness of your faith is tested and found to be more precious than gold and is one that brings praise, glory and honour to God! Every believer needs to always remember that they are born of incorruptible seed. That which God has deposited is incorruptible, thus the need for holy righteous living. Remember that when the children of Israel didn't live by the terms of God's covenant they become oppressed by those whom they were to uproot. You have a responsibility to nurture the seed God has planted within you by the Word of God.
In closing the letter to the believers, Peter makes a prayer that I believe is a promise every believer should pray. He prayed that after they had suffered a little while that God would avail the grace to perfect, strengthen, establish and settle 1 Peter 5:10. My dear reader, this is my prayer for you. That the God in HIs infinite mercy would perfect that which concerns you Psalms 138:8; that God would strengthen you in the midst of all that you are dealing with; that God would establish you that no wind can blow you over and that finally, God settles every score in your favour! Wherever you are unsettled in life may God settle you.
Memory Verse: 1 Peter 5:6-7
1 Peter 5:10
But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. (italics mine)
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