Day 292
Reading: Philemon 1:1 - Philemon 1:23
God is interested in every aspect of our lives. He is not just a God who answers our big prayer needs but also interested in our small day to day details. God sees everything and thus when Paul writes the letter to Philemon we learn about God's heart to employers.
Firstly, God is the biggest employer in the universe. Look at creation and you will realise that God has many employees. God's employees range from the angelic to human. In God's system, God has many tools to use that all work for Him. He is the Master and in control of everything. However, God has given mankind a free will. That free will gives you the ability to either recognise your employer or disregard His intentions for you.
Many today go about their business without consideration of who God is. When as a believer you don't view your vocation as part of your worship to God then mediocrity is the result. I am at a place in my life where the importance of a vocation here on earth has been emphasised to me by the Holy Spirit. Too many want to live on handouts when God gave the command to till the garden!
Many also are employers here on earth. Employers of either a servant at home or workers in a business. Paul in writing the letter of Philemon was reminding every boss, leader, manager employer that you have a responsibility to show the love of Christ. Your actions towards those you employ will either draw them to Christ or away. Paul wrote pleading for Onesimus who had run away from Philemon. They now were brethren in the same faith and Paul was reminding them of the common love of God they enjoyed and shared. Many times as a manager, leader or employer we forget that we have a responsibility to not only lead but also display the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our walk. How you treat an employee should be a reflection of how you would want to be treated if not better. More importantly, how you treat an employee should honour and bring glory to God. Anything less will result in the name of Christ being brought to disrepute.
God desires that we shine in the midst of the darkness. Let your language and actions shine in the midst of the challenges. Let people who work for you and alongside you speak well of how they see God in your actions. Too many believers are Christians in the prayer room but fail in the marketplace. May this not be your story any more! Work as though God is your employer and not man. Work as though God has asked you to look after the business for Him.
Memory Verse: Philemon 1:3
Philemon 1:6
"That the sharing of your faith may become effective by the acknowledgment of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus." (italics mine)
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