Day 299
Reading: The Book of Jude
We are living in days that can be best described as the last days. This is evident when you see the backsliding of many who are oblivious to the fact that they are backslidden and don't desire to hear any person pointing out that they are living in sin. Even worse is how believers have taken to discuss the body of Christ with anyone and everyone. Our faith is being fought and many believers are being used to deny the faith yet they are not aware.
Do you know that more persecutions take place today more than any other time in history? Do you know in some places that were once God-fearing, wearing a cross can lead to being fired from your job? Places that worshipped God no longer do. Churches are being converted to shrines and apartments. While this is happening some believers are fighting other believers on matters that don't matter. The reality of Heaven and Hell has been lost by believers leading to many not having a fiery faith in God. Many are lukewarm because they are busy chasing the things of this world and not anything that is about God. Many are cold as they have disregarded the Word of God choosing to live in disobedience all in the name of convenience. Many have forgotten that God is a Righteous Judge who will judge our every action and words.
Jude encourages the believer to fight for the faith. He understands that without faith we have no access to God. He understood the place of faith. He understood that faith just wasn't about declarations but also about our lifestyle. Faith is a way of life. Thus faith is not just a gift or a measure given to us but it is a way of life. The writer of Hebrews called faith a profession. We have a responsibility to profess our faith and also go about it with the vigour and excellence we attend to our professions Hebrews 10:23.
How do we contend for our faith?
- Prayer. Maintain your fervency for God in prayer. Praying in the Spirit builds your faith.
- The Word of God: Study the Word. Meditate on the Word. It builds your faith.
- Godly Associations: walk with God-fearing people and faith will evaporate from you. Walk with faith-filled people.
Fight for your faith. Your children are looking up to you and we have a faith to pass to them. The next generation will blame us for failing if we don't pass genuine faith to them.
Memory Verse: Jude 20-21
Jude 1:3
Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. (italics mine)
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