Life has been compared to a roller-coaster ride and not many people enjoy them as many also never enjoy life. "Why would you want to enter a roller-coaster ride where one is turned upside down and yet life's challenges also do the same?". This was an interesting question my friend once asked me. I retorted by saying that it helps take the sting out of life's punches when you have fun even in the midst of the fiery furnace that life is.
Recently, like a few years now, I had a situation that really brought me to tears. As I meditated on the events leading to the painful experience I was in, I had to question whether I needed to be on this roller-coaster ride. As I reflected more on what I could have done differently, I began to realise why bitterness is such a killer. Not only did I see my mistakes and what I could have done better, but I also realised where I let my guard down and allowed the enemy in. When going through the throngs of life I was reminded that the test of every valley will contain an examination of the heart.
Bitterness in the heart leads to offence leading to one sabotaging their own destiny. As I shed tears in anguish at my failings and pain caused by words spoken, I realised that I was about to take a seat with bitterness. Yes, I was angry and upset at the whole scenario but that didn't warrant my seating down with bitterness. I quickly realised that my worship and prayer life was not God-focused as my attention was drawn to the pain. I knew something was wrong and as I meditated I knew the answer to this situation would enable me to go forward in life.
I quickly knelt down and forgave, myself included, for failing spectacularly. As I did that with tears rolling down I felt a weight taken off my shoulders and joy well up in my innermost being catapulting me upwards. I don't know where you are in life as you read this, however, be assured life will come with many opportunities to be bitter in life. Don't take that opportunity. Pass it quickly to enable you to move towards destiny.
The children of Israel crossed the Red Sea and soon came to a place called Marah meaning bitter waters. As the people complained, God gave Moses a solution. Take a tree and cast it into the waters. That tree is the Cross. I have discovered that as I take up the Cross the bitter waters will turn to be sweet. Life is about to become sweeter as I allow the cross to work a deep work within. Don't measure live by the standards of the earth. Measure it by the standards of God.
The children of Israel crossed the Red Sea and soon came to a place called Marah meaning bitter waters. As the people complained, God gave Moses a solution. Take a tree and cast it into the waters. That tree is the Cross. I have discovered that as I take up the Cross the bitter waters will turn to be sweet. Life is about to become sweeter as I allow the cross to work a deep work within. Don't measure live by the standards of the earth. Measure it by the standards of God.
Ex 15:23-25
"Now when they came to Marah, they could not drink the waters of Marah, for they were bitter. Therefore the name of it was called Marah'. 24 And the people complained against Moses, saying, "What shall we drink?" 25 So he cried out to the Lord, and the Lord showed him a tree. When he cast it into the waters, the waters were made sweet. There He made a statute and an ordinance for them, and there He tested them,
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