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Showing posts from November, 2010

My Mind's Made Up

Life is a continual journey where we are making discoveries. Wisdom reveals that we are constantly discovering things about ourselves. Everyday in life we face questions that require answers. Some of these answers are not just yes or no. They are answers that require values to be in place to counter the force behind the question. I have come to understand that every question in life is an offer to a contract. No wonder, teachers taught us to think before answering a question in an exam. Life is an exam and I ain't about to fail this exam. Every exam requires one to have studied before if the result is to be excellent.To answer a question properly one requires to have the basic skills set required to take the exam. Your mind has to be made up in various respects of life if you are to excel in life.Core values have to be established if one expects to succeed in the exam of life. In looking at various successful people I have come to see certain core values that empower them to move ...

God where are you?

Every day we encounter situations that seem to ask one question regarding our beliefs. Going through life I have come to realise that it's easy to ask this question and waver. Everyday life poses questions that need answers. Speaking with friends recently we conclude that life's challenges seem to as ask one major question "God where are you?". This question is in various forms..."Is God real?"..."Can God do it?" Every challenge in life can either build or destroy you. If life's circumstances can challenge your thinking causing you to doubt your faith in God the result is tumultuous. It's imperative in life we realise that no matter how hard the winds blow in the storms of life God is real. In fact He is more real than the person next to you.  Why do I believe He is more real than the person next to me? Think about the following statements and am sure you will agree with me... He is the Creator...We may not see Him but we can see His hand...

Wow...Life is....

Life is not only filled with fun but many at time it's filled pain. Over the last few days and weeks in my interactions with friends, acquaintances and also myself I have known pain like never before. We are born in pain in fact right from child birth a cry and not laughter is recorded as our first sign of life. I wonder if the child cries because of the new environment they suddenly find themselves in. Is it not interesting that pain introduces joy? The travail of child birth soon becomes a joyous occasion where the pain is soon forgotten as the new born is celebrated. Dealing with the pains of life is a life long lesson. Interesting that we are born in pain and at death we deal with the pain of the loss suffered. The two ends of life are marked by pain.  Pain is a door to a new level of life. The question then is how do we walk this journey and yet remain sane in the midst of all the joy and pain? I think the key to life is balance. Being balanced will enable you to have perspec...