Every day we encounter situations that seem to ask one question regarding our beliefs. Going through life I have come to realise that it's easy to ask this question and waver. Everyday life poses questions that need answers. Speaking with friends recently we conclude that life's challenges seem to as ask one major question "God where are you?". This question is in various forms..."Is God real?"..."Can God do it?"
Every challenge in life can either build or destroy you. If life's circumstances can challenge your thinking causing you to doubt your faith in God the result is tumultuous. It's imperative in life we realise that no matter how hard the winds blow in the storms of life God is real. In fact He is more real than the person next to you.
Why do I believe He is more real than the person next to me? Think about the following statements and am sure you will agree with me...
- He is the Creator...We may not see Him but we can see His handiwork.
- He is the Source of Life...He breathed into Adam and he became a living soul...He still can breathe into that dead looking situation you are facing!!!
- He is the Lifter of your head....How many times have you hung head bowed in defeat but down the road the journey turned into victory.
- He is the Way Maker....He makes a way where there is no way....History shows that God has been in this business of life longer than that challenge causing you to doubt.
- He is the Potter....stop looking at the pot of life. The pot may look beautiful but it's the Potter who makes the pot we ought to appreciate for the beauty and splendor of life. Gazing at the pot is to lose focus on who makes the pot beautiful.
- He Reigns....irrespective of what you may think God is in control. He has not lost the plot. He is working it out for your good. If Jesus rose, you will arise. If Lazarus rose, then you also are a candidate to arise. The question is are you in a place to hear Him calling you to arise from the ashes of life to your place of restoration.
I could go on and on but will cut it short. Challenges deplete our strength and reliance on God. That's why we have to be connected to God to see His strength carry us through life. Remember, "But those who wait on the Lord, shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint" Isaiah 40:31. God is waiting for you to call on Him. Call Him, He is willing to carry you through the storm.
Amen. Wait on God...He is willing and more than able to see us through the storms of life.