Life is a continual journey where we are making discoveries. Wisdom reveals that we are constantly discovering things about ourselves. Everyday in life we face questions that require answers. Some of these answers are not just yes or no. They are answers that require values to be in place to counter the force behind the question. I have come to understand that every question in life is an offer to a contract. No wonder, teachers taught us to think before answering a question in an exam. Life is an exam and I ain't about to fail this exam.
Every exam requires one to have studied before if the result is to be excellent.To answer a question properly one requires to have the basic skills set required to take the exam. Your mind has to be made up in various respects of life if you are to excel in life.Core values have to be established if one expects to succeed in the exam of life. In looking at various successful people I have come to see certain core values that empower them to move through life. Below is a list of just a few resolutions successful people have within themselves that have enabled them to pass the exam called life.
- Unwavering faith. No successful person in the bible and in life has ever sided with doubt. The day doubt becomes a driver in life failure is the destination. Maintain your faith in God. Jesus said that if you have faith like a mustard seed then you can speak to a mountain and see it move.
- A positive attitude. Faith enables one to possess a can do attitude. Your attitude determines your capacity to focus. Doubt or unbelief introduce negativity. Be positive no matter how dark life looks. Your morning is soon coming.
- Gratitude. Ungrateful people never live life. They are perennially suffering through life. Be grateful for the little you have. Next time you think you don't have much just listen to the news and you will see that you have much. If you are still breathing you have life to be grateful for another day!!Depression is the result of ungratefulness.
- Vision. Where are you going in life? Why are you alive? What are you doing here on earth? "Why was I born?" is a question we all have to answer with a vision. To be vision less is a death trap. To allow life to set your vision is to live below average.
- Friends. During a recent discussion with a friend we agreed that the definition of a friend to many is blurred. Not everyone that knows my name is a friend. Not many people can differentiate between an acquaintance and a friend. Know your friends and surround yourself with people who are like minded and are willing to go further than before.
- Followers. Life without giving is dead. If you are not pouring into another person's life what legacy will you leave behind? Jesus left 12 men who changed the world. Every great person will pass the baton to a follower. Who will follow you?
I encourage you to examine yourself and see what your core values in life are. Determine to set them and watch your course in life take a new turn.
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