Life is not only filled with fun but many at time it's filled pain. Over the last few days and weeks in my interactions with friends, acquaintances and also myself I have known pain like never before. We are born in pain in fact right from child birth a cry and not laughter is recorded as our first sign of life. I wonder if the child cries because of the new environment they suddenly find themselves in. Is it not interesting that pain introduces joy? The travail of child birth soon becomes a joyous occasion where the pain is soon forgotten as the new born is celebrated.
Dealing with the pains of life is a life long lesson. Interesting that we are born in pain and at death we deal with the pain of the loss suffered. The two ends of life are marked by pain. Pain is a door to a new level of life. The question then is how do we walk this journey and yet remain sane in the midst of all the joy and pain? I think the key to life is balance. Being balanced will enable you to have perspective of the whole purpose of life.
Where we are not balanced in life we lose out. When your finances are not balanced life is lived in debt. Where your relationships are not balanced insecurity is rife, trust is broken, opportunities are missed. In fact where life is not balanced confusion reigns. While speaking with a friend I realised that pain can be blinding to the obvious in any type of relationship. I realised also that the joys of life can be destructed(and not just distracted) by pain. Where the source of pain is not dealt with the the joy set before us can be lost. How do we deal with pain so as to maximise the joys of life?
- Be optimistic. Positive, forward looking people never let the past pain hold them back. They deal with it and move on. Look at David, the loss of a child did not mean that he continued mourning forever. He got up and changed clothes. Change that garment of mourning and enjoy your life.
- Recalibrate. Pain knocks the wind out of the sails of life. Elijah run from the Jezebel frightened by her threats, pained at her powerful words. An encounter with God set him on the right path of destiny again.
- Be thankful. Pain causes you to only see the small picture of life. Thanksgiving causes one to see the wider picture. For example you may have broken up and are in pain but thanking God for life will allow you to see life from a different perspective which helps sweep the pain away slowly turning the wound to a scar.
- Pray. Let the Creator of the Universe know your pain and invite Him to heal you. Realise He knows pain and has a solution for you. Study the Bible and you will see that God has had some pretty painful circumstances thrust on Him when man has failed. You will also note that God has solutions to every situation of pain that He has encountered. He certainly will have a solution for you.
Always remember these words spoken by one who bore pain that we may overcome "Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I, Jesus, have overcome the world John 16:33b". It may be tough right now but I chose to trust in God's mercy to reign over circumstances.
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