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Showing posts from July, 2011


Life today is a road that is filled with obstacles and challenges. Some of the obstacles or challenges we face are either man made or simply just life happening. No one is exempt from challenges. There is no status or office in life that grants one a guarantee that says challenge free living. Even Jesus faced challenges that  ensured we saw His humanity and not just His divinity. We were born to overcome and not to be overcome. Every challenge desires to snuff the life out of us unless one's faith is positioned for victory in every situation of life. I was not born to be a loser in life but a victor and neither were you. You and I have within us the DNA of an overcomer. We have a responsibility to see ourselves in the right perspective to enable us to overcome in life. David didn't see Goliath as a threat but as fodder for the taking. What had challenged an army for 40 days, David with the right perspective saw Goliath as small fry for His God. Maintaining the right perspectiv...

Appreciate One Another

One of the greatest issues today is unforgiveness . I believe it is the one reason why we don't appreciate one another. It is the reason many are disrespectful of others. If you ever listen to someone complaining about a friend who has hurt them you will rarely hear what they did wrong but you will hear everything about the other party. It's because unforgiveness acts like a blindfold obscuring your view of others and precluding your view of the whole. Friendship grows with friction, that's why tyres are made as such so that they hit the tarmac and produce friction on the road for a car to travel. As I have been reflecting recently about life I have realised that too many friendships are relationships that are servant based and not real friendship. You know those friends who call only when they are in trouble, but if you are in trouble they are no where to be found; what about those people who are your friends when all is good but leave when you are poor. ...

The Hinge

Everyday I meet people who are seeking for answers to challenges we all face as we go through life. I wake up everyday and thank God that I am a problem solver. You and I are busy solving problems at different spheres of life. As a Christian I have discovered that life hinges on one key. This key is best seen as the hinge to the solutions of issues we face. This key is the gateway to the following: Sustenance Provision Protection Deliverance Favour Abundance Promotion Everlasting life The key is found in Psalms 23:1, which begins with an announcement and declaration by David that The Lord is My Shepherd. Every subsequent verse that speaks of the blessings provided hinges on God being the Lord and Shepherd of our life. I urge that you make Him the Lord of your life and heed Him as He shepherds you to green pastures in every area of life; still waters and not stormy places; sets a table before your enemies; anoints your head; and surely mercy and goodness will follow you all the ...

Be Connected

Many times I recall the nights when we had power black outs as part of an energy saving tactics by the electricity company when growing up. Looking at life while meditating today I realised that many times in life we are not lit up as the power source is disconnected. Ever tried lighting a bulb when the mains are not connected? Many people's lives today are light bulbs that are not connected to the right source and so they flicker in the light they give. Jesus said that we are the light of this world in the greatest sermon ever preached Matthew 5:14 . Light is so crucial that when creation began the first thing God did was decree light Genesis 1:3 . In today's world light is important. Imagine working in darkness, or driving in the dark without lights. The result will be death. That's what happens when life is lived without being connected to the power source. God has made us in such a way that we can only give His light when we are connected to Him. Being conne...