Dear Friend, I noticed that your smile was jaded and that you were exhausted. Life has not been easy for you over the last few months. It seems to have been a slog over the last few months and yet the sun doesn't seem to be shining over your life. I know it feels like you are in a dark tunnel that doesn't seem to have an end right now. I do realise that you are not only positive but very optimistic that all will be well. I just want to encourage you to hold on. I read a story of a gentleman who was a prisoner of war for years on end. He survived but many didn't and when asked what made him different he said it was because he settled it in his mind that the end of this matter would be good news for him. He was not only optimistic but he held onto the faith that he would overcome in the end John 16:33. Don't let lives storms take the smile out of your life; the storms should only make you stronger and better. Always remember that in life every situation is not eternal ...
Daily we need to rise, conquer and be all that we can be.