This journey of life was never to be a lonely experience. I keep find it amazing that in a world population fast approaching 7 billion finding a friend is an issue. As I sat sharing with a friend who just experienced a painful disheartening breakup, I constantly kept asking myself what has humanity defined a friend as. With this in mind I began to realise that unless you define a friend you wont know your friends. Who then is a friend?
F: Fellowship- a friend is a fellow on the same ship one may be travelling on. A friend is someone who decides to join you as you sail through life. Job had friends who sat with him through his travail; whether right or wrong they were there and Job was not lonely.
R: Relate- a friend is one whom you can relate with. The main reason for divorce is now a drifting apart, which is caused by not relating.
I: Inspiring- a friend is one who inspires you to live life to the max. A friend encourages you to see above the the dark clouds of challenges in life.
E: Enlightening- a friend is one who helps you understand, illuminates, apprises you giving you a new scope of any situation.
N: Nurturing- a friend will always nurture a friendship. Spending time with a friend strengthens the friendship.
D: Dependable- a friend is reliable and can be counted on at all times come rain or shine.
I will close with the wise words of Solomon "A friend loves at all times Proverbs 17:17a" and "A person who has friends must be friendly; but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24"
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