Day 298
Reading: 1 John, 2 John, 3 John
We live in a world that is craving for love. Many are looking for love and looking in all the wrong places. The world is fuelled by a lust that many have mistaken as love. The devil has disguised his offering of lust and camouflaged it as love. We see it every day presented and served to us in many different forms. What many don't understand is that the devil's offering is presented to the world with an icing that covers the contents of what is laid on the plate offering from the enemy. Paul writing to the Corinthians warned them that the enemy does camouflage as an angel of light 2 Corinthians 11:14.
The result of consuming what the enemy has served us is that our hearts have been dulled and many of us have shifted from having our moral compass guided by the Bible to become humanistic in our morality. Compromising doesn't begin with a big sin, but with a subtle shift of the heart from loving God wholly to having a mixture that eventually becomes a lethal cocktail leading to backsliding.
John, fully understood that the enemy's idea of love was corrupt and would lead to destruction. So his letters are continual encouragement for the believer to love God and walk in love. John declares that the person who says they love God and yet does not act likewise is a liar. God's love is practical not just verbiage.
Jesus declared that by our fruit the world would know if we are his disciples and that fruit is love John 13:35. John encourages believers to walk in love. Paul continually encouraged believers to walk in brotherly love Romans 12:10. Peter also encouraged the believers to love fervently with a pure heart 1 Peter 1:22.
May I challenge you to sit down and look within your heart and find out if you are driven by the love of God? Read 1 Corinthians 13 and measure yourself to see where you are in displaying the love of God. Let's keep the flame of God's love alive. This is the only way to defeat the enemy's agenda. Show someone the love of God.
Memory Verse: 3 John 2
1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (italics mine)
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