Adversity has a purpose. As I write, this I don't know of anyone who is not fighting trouble in one shape or form. It seems adversity is the middle name of many people. As I sat thinking, praying and wondering why, I came up with brief acronym which lists the purpose of A.D.V.E.R.S.I.T.Y: A: Attitude- trouble has a way of either making you or breaking you. The thin line in between is called attitude. D: Draw closer to God- notice how trouble stirs you towards God. Trouble is a one way ticket to prayer and worship. V: Versatility- trouble will cause you to look for options. If your eyes weren't open trouble will cause you to open them and look around for solutions to the issue. E: Encourage yourself- people who survive major life scares are those who consistently maintain a positive image within themselves. Morning will always follow the night! Speak life not death. Don't allow a dearth of life to come into your vocabulary. R: Restoration- trouble is the darkness before a...
Daily we need to rise, conquer and be all that we can be.