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Showing posts from July, 2010

Trouble...has a purpose!!!

Adversity has a purpose. As I write, this I don't know of anyone who is not fighting trouble in one shape or form. It seems adversity is the middle name of many people. As I sat thinking, praying and wondering why, I came up with brief acronym which lists the purpose of A.D.V.E.R.S.I.T.Y: A: Attitude- trouble has a way of either making you or breaking you. The thin line in between is called attitude. D: Draw closer to God- notice how trouble stirs you towards God. Trouble is a one way ticket to prayer and worship. V: Versatility- trouble will cause you to look for options. If your eyes weren't open trouble will cause you to open them and look around for solutions to the issue. E: Encourage yourself- people who survive major life scares are those who consistently maintain a positive image within themselves. Morning will always follow the night! Speak life not death. Don't allow a dearth of life to come into your vocabulary. R: Restoration- trouble is the darkness before a...

You Can Do It

The book of Genesis is replete with stories of men and women who faced impossibilities and yet saw them became possibilities. Look at Adam and Eve. Their son was murdered by his brother. God sends Cain away, but how is the earth to be populated? They had to have another son, Seth. May be your dreams lie dead and buried . May be you have lost everything, but I want to encourage you that you can start all over again and make it very well. Look at Abraham and Sarah. No child, but with everything else going for them. Yet at 90 she gave birth. Don't allow the world or anyone to speak death to your dream. Sarah laughed at 90 am sure amused at a God who didn't look at the age as anything to stop Him from giving Sarah her promise. It's never too late to achieve your dream. Jacob was conned by his father in law but refused to give up. Rebekah when childless refused to believe that she would be barren but held onto the covenant promise that she would mother mighty descendants for...

Breathe On Me

Where would one be without breath? Have ever been underwater for long enough to come up gasping for air!! Dying to breathe-what an anomaly of an expression , for what is not breathing is considered dead. How many times do we look at life's situations and wonder where the life is? May be your first part of the year was one saddled with lifeless situations that just made you despair. You may even feel life is really dead in certain quarters. I just want you to realise that as long as you are still alive that situation can become alive. In Genesis chapter 2 we meet a story of creation where God made man but until He breathed into him he was lifeless. Once God breathed into man He became a living soul.How do we deal with lifeless situations? Appreciate the little that you have, however little it is. Many times we complain about something and lose focus on the many other things that are working for us. Think about you may have many shoes to go to work and cant get a job but some one ...

Welcome Back

The second half of the year began officially today and wow isn't life moving fast !!. You may still look the same like yesterday but days are moving on. Football is the game on every one's lips because of the World Cup. A game of two halves, just like day and night, sunny and rainy, hot and cold, sickly and healthy, poor and rich... Life is about choices right or left!!! I want to encourage you that this latter half of the year will be brighter and better than the first half. For this to happen you need to understand certain things; Have faith in God. He also had to deal with darkness in the midst of His creation. He has done it before and is the Master Artist at getting over darkness. Speak the same language as the Artist, the Creator and Ruler of the Heaven and Earth. Unless you are in the same wavelength you cannot get the same results. Have the same mindset. To speak and not have the same mindset as God is to shot yourself in the foot. Move along. Gen 1 is about God speaki...