The second half of the year began officially today and wow isn't life moving fast!!. You may still look the same like yesterday but days are moving on. Football is the game on every one's lips because of the World Cup. A game of two halves, just like day and night, sunny and rainy, hot and cold, sickly and healthy, poor and rich... Life is about choices right or left!!!
I want to encourage you that this latter half of the year will be brighter and better than the first half. For this to happen you need to understand certain things;
I want to encourage you that this latter half of the year will be brighter and better than the first half. For this to happen you need to understand certain things;
- Have faith in God. He also had to deal with darkness in the midst of His creation. He has done it before and is the Master Artist at getting over darkness.
- Speak the same language as the Artist, the Creator and Ruler of the Heaven and Earth. Unless you are in the same wavelength you cannot get the same results.
- Have the same mindset. To speak and not have the same mindset as God is to shot yourself in the foot.
- Move along. Gen 1 is about God speaking and God making. Make it happen. Plan, proceed to make the plans knowing that no matter what the darkness it soon will fade away.
Enjoy the second half of the year....Let there be light!!!!
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