Adversity has a purpose. As I write, this I don't know of anyone who is not fighting trouble in one shape or form. It seems adversity is the middle name of many people. As I sat thinking, praying and wondering why, I came up with brief acronym which lists the purpose of A.D.V.E.R.S.I.T.Y:
A: Attitude- trouble has a way of either making you or breaking you. The thin line in between is called attitude.
D: Draw closer to God- notice how trouble stirs you towards God. Trouble is a one way ticket to prayer and worship.
V: Versatility- trouble will cause you to look for options. If your eyes weren't open trouble will cause you to open them and look around for solutions to the issue.
E: Encourage yourself- people who survive major life scares are those who consistently maintain a positive image within themselves. Morning will always follow the night! Speak life not death. Don't allow a dearth of life to come into your vocabulary.
R: Restoration- trouble is the darkness before a major set up by God to be restored to greater dimensions.
S: Simplicity- ever noted how when trouble comes we strip ourselves of the vanities of life. God loves simplicity.
I: Integrity- People of integrity always go from trouble unscathed and with greater respect. Trouble seeks to build one's honour and integrity.
T: Timing- trouble throws one timing out of the window...but get ready to step into God's timing in the midst of trouble as this season is simply a set up for breakthrough.
Y: Yearn for the knowledge of God-Light one brings out of darkness. The difference between the dark ages and today is the amount of knowledge that man has acquired. Seek the light of God in that dark situation and get ready to trouble your trouble.
Let your prayer be God send forth your light and truth in the midst of trouble. Maintain a joyful atmosphere in your life even when it seems dark. It's fine to cry but remember to stand up and walk on as this will discomfort your trouble. Persist in the way for at times trouble is a distraction.
A: Attitude- trouble has a way of either making you or breaking you. The thin line in between is called attitude.
D: Draw closer to God- notice how trouble stirs you towards God. Trouble is a one way ticket to prayer and worship.
V: Versatility- trouble will cause you to look for options. If your eyes weren't open trouble will cause you to open them and look around for solutions to the issue.
E: Encourage yourself- people who survive major life scares are those who consistently maintain a positive image within themselves. Morning will always follow the night! Speak life not death. Don't allow a dearth of life to come into your vocabulary.
R: Restoration- trouble is the darkness before a major set up by God to be restored to greater dimensions.
S: Simplicity- ever noted how when trouble comes we strip ourselves of the vanities of life. God loves simplicity.
I: Integrity- People of integrity always go from trouble unscathed and with greater respect. Trouble seeks to build one's honour and integrity.
T: Timing- trouble throws one timing out of the window...but get ready to step into God's timing in the midst of trouble as this season is simply a set up for breakthrough.
Y: Yearn for the knowledge of God-Light one brings out of darkness. The difference between the dark ages and today is the amount of knowledge that man has acquired. Seek the light of God in that dark situation and get ready to trouble your trouble.
Let your prayer be God send forth your light and truth in the midst of trouble. Maintain a joyful atmosphere in your life even when it seems dark. It's fine to cry but remember to stand up and walk on as this will discomfort your trouble. Persist in the way for at times trouble is a distraction.
Great encouragement, God bless. Bisi