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The world today is one where many feel as though life is beating them down. The different challenges we face in this journey called life have punched many down and out. The fuel price increases, the job cuts, economic recession in different parts of the world, government changes either through the ballot or bullet, governments going broke, floods, drought, to just but name a few things facing many in the world today. It's difficult to go to a party and you don't hear bad news relating to someone you know. The world is changing. The weather patterns are affected by global warming, societal values held by previous generations are being obliterated by the ones following, and guess what, life for many is a nightmare. Today, I want to encourage that person who is lying down beaten by life.

We all at times go through situations in life where we are down. It may appear that life's challenges have handed down a technical knockout blow, but humanity was not made to be beaten by life. You and I were made to overcome life. Reigning in life is our story and today marks the beginning of the walk towards reigning in life. Irrespective of how bad or low you may feel, I want you to realise that you still have a reason to smile. The world may be depressed but you don't have to be like the world. You and I are called to walk in dominion . The world may be going through a storm but you can walk through this storm. The question is how do I overcome in the midst of the adversities that I am encountering along the way in this journey called living life.
  1. Give thanks and stop complaining. Many today just don't appreciate the little things of life. The fact that you are alive is worthy of thanksgiving. Appreciate the small things that you have and no matter the storm you will begin to feel and see better. Determine within yourself that everyday you will give thanks. Stop complaining about everything, anything or something. Complaining only opens the door to depressive thinking. Thanksgiving opens the doorways of heaven (Psalms 100:4), and that is bliss. Let thanksgiving be a part of your agenda in life. Begin and end the day with thanksgiving. You may not have much but it is something. You may not have anything to say thanks but remember that you are better than someone else. No storm is forever, celebrate the fact that it will soon be over.
  2. Remind yourself of your heavenly vision. Many today are down and out in life because they were never going anywhere Proverbs 29:18. Such people are easy fodder or prey for low living, missed opportunities, complaining life stories. If you don't have a vision it's not too late to write one. Write down your vision. Spend some time in silence with God and meditate on where He wants you to go in life. Get a vision for your life and you will soon rise from the ashes of life. A vision enables you to move from existing to living. Without a vision you cannot run the race of life successfully Habakkuk 2:2. Don't doubt the power of the vision. Focus on it and it will come to pass.
  3. Build your faith in God and not in humanity or things. Jesus constantly would ask anyone seeking a miracle if they believe He could give it to them Mark 9:23. Your belief will act as fuel no matter the challenge in life. Your belief empowers you to engage the gear that will help you drive up the steep hill of adversity to the top. Your faith in God is what will provide wind to enable you to soar to the top of the mountain. Your faith is what enables you to be pleasing to God in life Hebrews 11:6. Use everyday as a faith building exercise. In life we are to move from one level of faith in God to the next level of faith that we may truly be a people who advance from one level of glory to the next level.
  4. Choose your associates carefully. The people around you can either build the right atmosphere of success or kill your dreams. Walk with the wise and you will be wise Proverbs 13:20. It would be foolhardy to expect that if you walk with a fool you will be wise. The people around influence you. Cut off any undue influence that is killing your life. I would rather have few friends than be celebrated by many who don't add value to me. A relationship where value is added is worth a lot more than one where time is wasted.
  5. Be willing to accept change. Mankind never responds well to change. We all accept change at different speeds, but life is constantly evolving. At times change is painful, for example giving birth where an expectant mother gives birth and roles change from expectant to mother. Change requires boldness Joshua 1:9.  Be willing to make the necessary changes to sail the waters in today's world. You cannot go into an office and use 19th century technology for simple office tasks, as technology has evolved be willing to embrace change. Embracing change does not mean changing biblical time tested core life values. Core values don't change. A printer will always print; the change would be in the technology and speed. Renew your mind and seize the moment. Romans 12:1.
I will close with the words of Micah a prophet sent by God to Israel. Let his words bring comfort and hope over the days to come." Micah 7:7-8. A new dawn is upon you and I. I see a door with the address marked "ARISING" in front of everyone. Welcome to a new day. Arise and Shine....

Holy Bible, New Living Translation ®, copyright © 1996, 2004 by Tyndale Charitable Trust. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers. All rights reserved.


  1. Very inspiring..thank you for blessing us with your divinely inspired words. This blog reminds me of the life of Truett Cathy, the devout Christian owner of Chick-Fil-A restaurants in America. He overcame much adversity in his life (grew up poor, fire burnt down one of his first restaurants, his two brothers died in a plane crash, and more), yet he held on to the Word and today his company makes about $3billion in sales each year AND without being open on Sundays (he firmly believes that all employees should have the day off to worship with their families, or if they have no faith, to rest). Check it out... A very inspiring story and still such a humble man. God is good...all the time! Karen B.

  2. Very encouraging. God bless. Bisi


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