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Look and See Well.

What do you see of 2011? The answer to this question will reveal how you are going to prepare for the journey called 2011. This year has already been described as tough by politicians, prophetic by bible scholars, difficult by business leaders and challenging by a host of other people. Everyone basis their opinion of the outlook for the year based on an 'outlook' of life that is the foundation of their life. Many of us, on a daily basis, look at a mirror that gives us an 'outlook' of how we look before we step out into the world. To succeed today we need to have the right outlook. Seeing correctly is vital for the journey ahead.

What you see ahead determines how you run the race. Look at the children of Israel. The left Egypt to go into their promised land but only 2 of those that left Egypt entered. their promised land. A conservative population of the Children of Israel that was led by Moses was approximately 1 million. The reason the others didn't enter the promised land was outlook. They agreed with the 10 spies who described the land as occupied by giants and thus reduced themselves to grasshoppers(Numbers 13:33).  It was this poor perception that caused them not to possess their promise. Jeremiah was asked by God what he saw Jeremiah 1:11-12. His response to the question resulted in commendation from the Most High God. Your seeing will determine whether heaven commends you or results in your failure to possess your vision in life.

What then must I do to see rightly that I maybe commended by God?
  • See from a heavenly perspective. Life may be tough, and things may not seem to be going your way, but to speak carelessly forgetting the promise or vision and the guarantor to the vision will result in failure. Numbers 14 reveals the consequences for the Children of Israel who forgot that God had promised them the land and was able to deliver every giant into their hands.
  • Speak the vision or promise constantly to yourself. Paul was in jail while he wrote many of the letters in the New Testament. yet he found it within himself to say that faithful is He who began a good work within me and that He would complete it Phil 1:6. Be persuaded like Abraham who refused to see the impossibility of having a child late in life but saw the bigness of God Rom 4:21. Speaking the Word allows you to be persuaded that God is able to perform what you have committed to Him 2 Tim 1:12.
  • Keep the Word of God as your focus. The Word of God cannot be broken as it is forever settled. Study the Word, meditate on the Word for your success is connected to it Joshua 1:8. Don't meditate on the economic news and allow fear to fill your soul. Fill your heart with the Word of God that is able to create light where darkness reigns Gen 1:3.
  • Stop the habit of walking in the dark. Many today do not have the guidance that comes from God. Job said that God's light led him Job 29:3. Thus his riches in life. Solomon became famous because of the guidance he received from the insights he gleaned through a working relationship with God. To live life without involving God is a surety for failure. Even if the earth celebrates you and heaven does not recognise you, your life is wasted!! See things from an eternity perspective and ask God for His light.
  • Surround yourself with people who see well. There is safety in the multitude of counsellors. To surround yourself only with the news prints of the world, the cares of this life, the issues of life and the moaning of friends will soon cause you to stumble into the abyss of hell. Get out of that place that has hindered you from seeing right. Break off any relationship that does not qualify to the standards of the Word of God. Darkness and Light cannot co-exist. Choose Light and darkness will flee John 1:5. Samson lost the plot because he associated with the wrong person and didn't see how the relationship had affected his sight in the Lord.
  • Maintain your joy in the strength of the Lord Habakkuk 3:17-19. When David was faced with an awful situation where his family and those of every member of his army had been abducted, he was about to be stoned by his own army, he sought to encourage himself in the Lord. He knew who his deliverer and source of salvation was 1 Sam 30. When faced with the challenges of life run to God, allow Him to paint the picture of the victory within you. To pursue and overtake your enemy you need the backing of God and that picture can only be painted through close interaction with the source of joy that is the living Word of God. 
  • Follow instructions that accompany the vision given by God. Abraham changed his geographical location to possess his promise as instructed(Genesis 12:1-3); Joshua marched around Jericho to bring it down after God had told him what to do(Joshua 6:1-3).
In life the picture you keep in front of you becomes your goal. What you focus on becomes your reality. Your eyes are the window to your soul-mind, will and emotions. Be careful that what your eyes are viewing is giving you the heavenly outlook that God has ordained for you. Paul said he was not disobedient to the heavenly vision Acts 26:19. Prescribe to something that is described. May 2011 be a year that you subscribe to the prescription described by the Word of God.


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