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A New Day

Welcome to a new year. I am a firm believer that the days can only get better. Your tomorrow will be better than yesterday. The Word of God is clear that the path of the just shines brighter and brighter(Prov 4:18) not gloomier and doomier as we age or as predicted by economists. You and I were born for a reason and that purpose will not be buried in the mire that life can be. You have a responsibility to God and mankind to be the best that you were created to be.You were not born a failure and not named a failure. When you were born there was joy irrespective of the circumstances surrounding your birth. That joy cannot be deflated because of the journey that life at times takes us through.

Usually at the beginning of the year most people are setting goals or targets for the next 365 days. A goal on paper is worthless until you decide the how to accomplish that goal. To just say I will increase financially is worthless if I don't set my finances in order and start by gathering financial information.We all have goals that we want to accomplish this year. The question is how.
  • Let the Word of God be your chief influencer this year. For your steps to be ordered by God you must position yourself close to Him Psalm 37:23. Spend time with God in prayer and in the Word. Move from using God as an emergency service that you only call when in trouble to the place where you relate with Him.
  • Study to show yourself a workman approved 2 Tim 2:15. Your approval in life is dependant on your studying the Word. Jesus promised tat whoever abides-dwells- in the Word will be fruitful John 15:5. This year becomes fruitful to those who will dwell in the Word. Why you ask? The entrance of His Word gives light Psalm 119:130. Gather information also that is based on principles of the Word of God.
  • Chose your friends carefully. Friends who are not going in your direction will soon become a pain. Jesus was surrounded by people going in His direction. David was surrounded by like minded people when in the wilderness. Naomi had Ruth and the result was amazing for Ruth. Surround yourself with friends who will influence you in the right direction of life. Stop hanging out with time wasters. Anyone who is not encouraging you towards your destiny is either stealing your destiny or in need of your signposting them in the right direction. Samson had a friend who broke him. Don't allow your story to be ended by a friend who does not hold the same values you hold. Hold tightly to the values in the Word that will cause you to be a beacon in the midst of the darkness surrounding many.
  • Encourage yourself. Life's challenges can be very draining. Do as David did in 1 Sam 30. He encouraged himself in the Lord. Learn to use the Word of God to positively influence yourself in the right direction in life. Be careful what you listen to. Like a radio receiver be careful to tune yourself to hear the Word of God in all you do. Tune into God-life FM, and let the Word of God be the music of your soul, with the Holy Ghost as the DJ. 
  • Have the God kind of faith. There is a difference between positive motivation based on facts and faith that is built on truth obtained imbibed by revelation from the Word of God. Motivational talk will lift you to a certain point but faith will obtain the miraculous. The miracles in the bible were faith based not motivational talk based. be a person of faith to be a pleasure to God Hebrews 11:6, Mark 9:23. Let your belief be founded on God.
  • Discipline yourself. Winners of gold medals at Olympic games say that its the discipline of consistent persistent training that sets them up for the final. If you will persist and be consistent at pursuing your goals, you will achieve them. To aim for the sky so as to land on the clouds is fatal thinking. Discipline yourself and see yourself aright. Develop the right mindset for where you are going. No athlete enters the final with a cloudy mind expecting to win. They are disciplined enough to be focused on the goal at hand.
  • Be Thankful. Ingratitude is one of the biggest goal killers in the world today. Ungratefulness is the door that opens the way for many enemies to distract your life. Be grateful for every step, big or small, that you take towards the fulfilment of destiny. Gracious people are full of joy irrespective of the circumstances. Don't allow anything to deny you the opportunity to be grateful in everything 1 Thessalonians 5:18.
I look forward to glorious days filled with joy and God's goodness. May this year be one where you are fruitful on every side of life. When 31st December 2011 comes round may you look at this year and say thank you to God for being faithful in helping you achieve and exceed your expectations or goals. This year will be your best one yet. Watch this space as I will have the best year ever and so will you if your transactions in life are based on the covenant of God and not chance.


  1. Why am I just finding about this blog now?? This is indeed a blessing. Kip up the good work pastor. May the lord replenish and bless you.


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