This weekend gone was interesting and wonderful in many ways. I want to share one experience that had me thinking and praying. Today's blog will be slightly different as I just want to speak to circumstances. I just have an urge to prophesy to the situations surrounding not just me but many of my friends.
On Sunday I could not enter my office. A door I locked as I went home on Friday suddenly could not open. I tried every key and had a member of the venue management try to open the door. As I pushed and tried everything I could without breaking the door I began to think about the many times in life when suddenly what you did before does not get you the same results as before. As we kept working to try and open the door without any damages, a matter of necessity in these days of austerity, I realised that this was a sign to me. It wasn't until Monday when a handy man came to the offices and broke the lock without tampering the door that I was able to step into my office. As I stepped into the office I realised that for one to succeed in this day and age we need to get the keys that will unlock success and well being in our lives. The idea that brought wealth to others in the 19th century will certainly not work in today's age.
You and I have a responsibility to accept that life requires the correct application of keys to unlock the contents of a beautiful life. Too many times we try to live as though we are in the world but you and I are not of this world. I am a Christian and am proud of it. I have no apologies and will not be apologetic in my lifestyle choice. To therefore succeed in living the Christian lifestyle I will need to adhere to the principles of the new man that is obtained at salvation. Paul told the church to put on the new man Col 3:10. The life that is God ordained can only be accessed by operating with the keys given to the new man.
The doors of progress may not be responding to the keys of the past but as you adopt to change the lock you will enter the place of your office in life. Many today are facing hurdles getting to possess their dreams but as you change the modus operandi of your life you will access the keys that will elevate you to success. Joshua was guaranteed success and prosperity through meditation of the Word of life Joshua 1:8. That key has not changed and the only way you will access the certain dimensions in life is by the key of meditation on the greatness of God. Meditation allows you to focus on God the Giver of life and His promises to you. Meditation enables you to come to the place of well being. Stress is stopping many people from opening the doors of joy in their lives. To be still before God and know that He is God when all appears not to be working is best accomplished by ruminating on the Word of life.
The fact that I needed to get help to open the door made me realise that I will only enter a new dimension of life if I am willing to increase in knowledge. It took the knowledge of a locksmith to open the door. Wealth doesn't fall on someones lap without knowledge. You need the help of others to be great in life. Many people operate in life with a funny mentality where they are islands and never in need of anyone. People who are like this whatever the cause and I don't mean to be disrespectful are similar to shops on a high street of life but no one is allowed in to trade and thus profit the shop owner. Understand that unless you open the door of your life to others you will miss out on great blessings. God uses people to bless us and bring us to new places of knowledge. Every person in your life is either adding or taking something from you. You hold the key to the gate of the garden called friendship. Be careful that you don't allow the pressures of life to obstruct the door into the garden of beauty that friendships bring because of past hurts or unforgiveness. Make the choice to change the lock of your heart that you may enter to the place of rest and well being.
As I reflected on the shut door I began to think of the many shut doors in life we face. You know that you need to enter that door to get into your place but it appears shut. The door that may appear shut for you may not be the same for someone else. We all have different challenges in the present world. I began to appreciate that this situation is not permanent. I may not have had access to my office but as venue management and the locksmith got working I realised that many times we can be a hindrance to the door opening. I had to rest somewhere else as the door lock was worked on. My greatest joy was understanding that in the midst of a situation where it appears one is not moving forward God is working it out through someone else. That door that appears shut in your life; that door that is access to the place where God has provided for your progress and fulfilment of destiny; that door that gives you access to the place of your operating in the fullness of what God has given you may see shut and it may be taking eternity to get it open but it will be open. God only requires us to believe in His promises. Abraham waited 25 years before he saw the promise fulfilled. Patience is the key to entering the door that appears locked. Without patience in life you will never access the great things of God Heb 6:12.
The moment my door was opened I sat down and thanked God that doors are being opened in my life that have seemed shut. I thanked God that even though I had entered my office on Friday using another key I entered the same office using a different set of keys on Monday. You may have entered a place in life using a different set of rules but God will open the door for you to continue using the office of life. Remember that Jesus is the One who opens the Door of life. He is the Door and only through Him can you come into the place of eternal life in all that is yours. Be grateful that even though the door appears locked you are about to enter the place God has given you and no giant will stand before you as He has given the key to you to enter the office of life. May you enter the door that God has set before you. It is a door of goodwill, prosperity, well being, health, success, wealth and goodness.
"I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door and no one can shut it Rev 3:8a" NKJV
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