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A Different Side of Poverty

Let me start by saying that this blog may be different and as a result I want to reassure anyone, everyone and someone that I am well. I have today decided to share some thoughts that may place me in a very vulnerable place but I have done so only at the behest of many friends who have encouraged me to share what I am sharing. I don't have a grudge with anyone, but am concerned with the way friendships are failing fast in this instant product loving; microwave cooking world.  We live in a world today that is fast paced, fully loaded with challenges for us but poverty is still rife and I have discovered a new form of poverty that is crippling humanity. We are so consumed with ourselves that the beauty of life is ebbing away from us. 

The world, especially the developed world, today is suffering from a severe shortage of true friends. Loneliness is now so much on the rise that it's now considered a mental health condition. Mother Theresa stated that "Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty" To be alone is different from lonely, so please understand that many people today are not alone but lonely. To be alone is good as solitude has been found to be of good help to the human soul but to be lonely can be lethal. The pressures we face in the world today are so real and unhealthy that many are becoming insular towards their approach to relationships. Please note that lonely people are not generally single but even married couples when divorcing are not talking of loneliness as the cause of the paralysis and death of their marriage.

Elvis Presley at the height of his fame was asked to describe his life in one word. His answer was puzzling for a man surrounded by so many people. His answer was "Alone" as he mourned the fact that he was lonely! To be in a crowd does not mean all is well. Listen to Mother Theresa again "When Christ said: "I was hungry and you fed me," he didn't mean only the hunger for bread and for food; he also meant the hunger to be loved. Jesus himself experienced this loneliness. He came amongst his own and his own received him not, and it hurt him then and it has kept on hurting him. The same hunger, the same loneliness, the same having no one to be accepted by and to be loved and wanted by. Every human being in that case resembles Christ in his loneliness; and that is the hardest part, that's real hunger."

Different pressures are piling pressure on relationships which are essential to keeping society moving. Relationships are so powerful that when God created Adam, God was not pleased to see Adam alone (Gen 2:18) as he had no relationship. One of the most common excuses for break ups is that many suddenly discover that they are lonely in a relationship yet when they walked into the relationship at whatever level they had an interest in each other that rose above the pressures and were willing to make sacrifices for the friendship. Familiarity is the greatest silent killer of many friendships whether at work, church, clubs, social networks or in marriage. Today we have a generation of people who are easily bored with each other and don't enjoy the beauty of working hard at friendships for various reasons.

Loneliness occurs where one is not wanted and the need to be wanted is not meet appropriately. As the world moves towards the apocalyptic times friendship will be a premium life saver. Friendship saves one from unnecessary heartache, provides a healing balm, giving one another emotional support that life may hinge on.

To deny others of your friendship is to condemn your world to the graveyard.There is a power that is released in friendship. What else made Solomon write that two are better than one Ecclesiastes 4:9. This is not just about marriage but in life as a whole. Have you considered that this may be the reason Jesus said if two or three agree then it shall be done Matthew 18:19. Being a loner deprives you of being better in life and having the Father in heaven move on your behalf. Many are lonely as no one is touching their lives. Did you realise that the skin is the largest organ in the body as it has millions of receptors that send signals to the brain. Touching a person physically has been found to lower a person's heart rate, reduce stress, boost your immune system, increase endorphin levels which are feel good hormones and lower blood pressure. Next time you give someone a hug, you are helping their life and yours as well.
In closing, chose to be a friend at all times not sometimes. Let your friendship be genuine not a fickle mindedness and you will discover that even when you slip up forgiveness is easy. Don't allow your pain to stop or change your posture in friendship. I urge you to reach out to someone today and be a blessing. Someone you know is crying within themselves and your actions may be what places a smile back on them. Paul encouraged the church to be friendly when he said "Laugh with your happy friends when they are happy; share tears when they are down" Romans 12:15. I will leave you with the words of Jesus.

"This is my command: Love one another the way I have loved you. This is the best way to love. Put your life on the line for your friends John 15:12-13(MSG)"


  1. Deep word, coming from a fountain of wisdom! It touches us all....

  2. Chappie, this is very thought provoking and inspiring at the same time. God Bless you.

  3. Wonderful food for thought!


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