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A Letter to God

Dear God,

How are you? I hope you are well cause down here on earth all doesn't seem well. How is heaven where your throne is? One day when You call me I will see the splendor and glory that so many others have described as an awesome place to behold and reside. I just want to talk to you about life. I just want to reassure myself with Your promises as they have never failed and I won't be the first to attest to not having a promise fulfilled  as You are not about failure but fulfilment of purpose.

I do realise that these are the last days; the earthquakes, tsunamis, wars and recessions are simply are testament to what Jesus said in Matthew 24. But I don't understand why the pain. when you have promised us dimensions of your glory that will make  your children outstanding  in the midst of the world. I don't understand why we your people seem to be forgotten. Everyday we shed tears of pain and sorrow as our hope in you is under constant attack. I know Jesus said that the days would be so tough for we the elect and we should count it all joyous when we go through tribulation James 1:2 but God many of your people have forgotten how it is to laugh.

As I sat in the darkness wondering where you are in the midst of all that surrounds me I realised that You are in control. I realised that the reason I was wondering where You were was because I had allowed doubt to walk into the inner recesses of my mind. As I remembered your promise that You cannot lie Numbers 23:19 I slowly began to realise that the battles I had faced were not about my progress but about the sovereignty of Your Word in my life. Even though I had questions I was responsible for the gateways into my mind as victory or defeat would be an issue of the mind first. But then I am faced with a reality of an inner struggle in my mind as the I can't understand why the promises are taking so long.

I wonder if you know how one feels when people speak to you telling you this is where you should be in life as though you don't also desire to be somewhere in life. I am tired of being a proverb to others when family members describe my love for you as the reason I  am not seeing life move forward. Is this how Abraham felt before being convinced by Sarah to sleep with Hagar? Frustrated that the promise is taking too long to come to pass.

But then as I pondered on how cruel life has seemingly been I stand in awe at your mercies. The fact that I woke up today is testament of your living power. I may not be where I want to be; I may not be where others want me to be but the fact that I am alive is proof that there is still hope for me on this side of eternity!! The fact that I can breathe without a ventilator, walk without a walking stick, live without the fear of a medical condition made me realise that even though I don't have it all I still have something somebody in a mortuary doesn't have. I have life flowing in me and I don't have a terminal date hanging over me. 

My purpose in writing to you God is not to vent but to reaffirm my love for you. I may not understand everything in life, I may not have it together as some would want it, I may not be where I once dreamed I would be; but I am grateful because I know that you will complete that which concerns me Phil 1:6. I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that my life will count for excellency and greatness that will result in praises to your name. I am aware that your plans for me are plans for good, wealth, health, well being in everything with my name on it, and most importantly they are to give me a hope Jeremiah 29:11

I want you to know that I will choose to believe your Word over everything. To stand on your Word and allow it to envelope my entire being will be rewarding Joshua 1:8. My route of success may not be the wide road travelled by many but I choose to walk in your path because the end results will be spectacularly glorious and fulfilling. Man may satisfy for a moment but the Living Water that flows from your throne is eternal and cannot be substituted with anything life has to offer John 4:13.

It may seem dark but I will hold onto your Word that my joy is coming in the morning and the weeping I have endured for long is finally coming to end Psalms 30:5. It may seem impossible but I will choose to believe your Word that nothing is too difficult for You if I believe Jeremiah 32:27. One day I will stand in heaven before your majestic throne and I will hear you say "Son well done and welcome to the place I designed and prepared for you." Until that day I choose to love, live and breathe all that concerns You the Creator of the Universe, the Ruler of the Heavens and Earth, the Redeemer, My Refuge, My Help every time I am in need, My Source of all in all!!! No matter what life may bring towards me I love you Lord. I may not be seeing you  at this moment in time but I realise that Your hand is working on my behalf and when all is done it will be a masterpiece drawn by You. Thanks be to God for He causes me to truimph always  knowing that my labour is not in vain 1 Corithians 15:57-58

Lastly but not finally I will hold onto you Lord because in Your Presence is fullness of joy. Outside of you is disaster and pain. At your right hand there are pleasures for evermore Psalms 16:11. I choose to run to you because I have none other than you my King,  my Lord, my Redeemer, Saviour, my  Source,  my Supplier, Protector, Shield, Buckler, my Everything, my All in All, my Love.

Your loving child ,



  1. The Lord will surely remember you, weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning.
    In our weakness His strength is made perfect.

  2. amen ooooohhhh


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