In the midst of the various catastrophes that are shaking planet earth, many people are questioning their lives. I have over the last few months questioned the direction of my life as I have come to realise the frailty and fragility of the life we live. Now more than ever, people are questioning their faith and beliefs. The shaking we are seeing in the world of every system that feeds humanity be it economical, physiological, psychological, social, marital, spiritual, etc, are all contributing to many beginning to deal with doubt. Listening to many people talk today it's not just about hardship but many are questioning their existence and purpose.
What has amazed me most has been the way that many have questioned life to the extent of questioning the Giver of Life. Yes, life has become tough; yes, we are living during a period of tough times; and yes, the world seems to have thrown God out of their minds but remember that tough times don't last, tough people do!! The constant flow of bad news into our lives has done more damage than many care to know. God seems to get a lot of blame today. It seems the devil is blameless and God is the problem. This instant age we are living in has almost thrown one word out of the dictionary, namely process. Instant gratification is the way to go and waiting is certainly archaic and mundane thinking. Sometimes I listen to people speaking and wonder what God is thinking about all of us, including me. We Christians think like the world that we can't be separated in our opinions from the world sometimes.
Challenges will always be there in life. To question life and place God in the witness box as the accused is what doubt is. Doubt is another way of telling God that He is not for real; it is agreeing with the enemy's thought pattern and rejecting the ways of God. Doubt is the password required to enter failure. It is the pin used to access the funds of poverty and shabby low living. Doubt is the reason challenges become bigger than Mount Everest and remain planted and rooted in our lives. Doubt is the precursor to an identity crisis. Doubt is the remote control that the devil uses to introduces channels of living the damned life. Doubt is what Satan planted in Eve before she put aside what God had said and ate the fruit; it is simply the platform the enemy needs to achieve his hideous purpose of destruction. Doubt is a form of impatience at the speed and capability of God fulfilling His Word. Doubt sets in the moment we question the processes of God in fulfilling a promise. Doubt reduces one to the level of a fool as it makes you question God within oneself, for the Psalmist said that only a fool says there is no God Psalms 14:1. Remember that your actions are speaking as much as your words. Doubt is many times expressed in actions betraying the profession of faith.
Understand that the enemy of our souls comes to steal,kill and destroy while Jesus, who is the Living Word came to give life and in its abundance John 10:10. To do this he needs a doorway to walk through. Your thoughts paint your life; thoughts give birth to destiny, dreams, hopes and aspirations. When your thoughts are filled with doubt at whatever level, the enemy has began the process of decapitating you. Doubt and not failure or war is the greatest stealer of joy ever known to man. As soon as one begins to doubt their identity and purpose in life depression and suicide soon come knocking on your door with the sole aim of killing your dreams ands destroying your name.
How then do I remove doubt from my mind? How do I address the doubts that have plagued me in the midst of the trials and temptations that I am faced with? By meditating on the thoughts of God. Learn to think the Word of God. God's thoughts and ways are higher than man's ways. To walk in the limitless life of God we must program our minds to think like He thinks. You cannot understand a person unless you understand their thought pattern. The Word of God is God's manual for you and I to operate at the level that He has called us to walk and live by. God promised Joshua success if he spent time meditating on the Word of God Joshua 1:8. To think like God will enable you and I to walk like Him. The only way you can question your doubts is to fill your mind with the thoughts of God that are expressed in the bible. Purpose to flood your mind with the Word of God.
No situation you are facing is bigger than the Creator of the Universe; no circumstance is darker than the world was when at the point of creation; no challenge is too difficult or insurmountable for God is still God and He reigns. His invitation to reign with you here on earth is dependant on your faith in Him. Anytime doubt ears its ugly head remember that Jesus said that if you can believe, all things are possible to him or her who believes Mark 9:23. The question is what are you believing? Doubt is to believe the report of the enemy which questions the promises of God. Choose to believe in the promises of God. Fill yourself with the promises of God continually and you will arrive at the destination called manifestation of your promise.
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