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Showing posts from April, 2011

More Blessed

In the account of Jesus resurrection I encountered Thomas famous for his doubting that Jesus arose. This gentleman derided by many for his doubting is really a picture of many today. Think about it how many times do we doubt God. Doubt is not just an expression of thoughts ruminating through the mind but can also be displayed in actions. As I thought about Thomas I realised that many times we, including me,  have a similar attitude towards the fulfilment of the promises of God.  Here was  Thomas, who had not only seen Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead, he also had seen countless miracles, but had also listened and heard as Jesus had declared Himself to be the Resurrection and Life. He had also heard him say that He would rise within 3 days; yet even when the other disciples told him that Jesus had risen as He had said he doubted. His expression of doubt only revealed his state of mind and heart.  How many times do we in life doubt the reality of the promise of God i...

Rejected, Dejected but Grateful

Have you been rejected by anyone or by an organisation? Its not the best feeling in the world. Rejection leaves one pandering at the abyss of loneliness and desperation, wondering why and what could have been done to save the situation. dejection is what many feel after being rejected. Dejection is the sorrow or grief we have after being refused or granted what we desired. Both these feelings are companions that many are akin to in the world we live in. If you have never felt these feelings then please go on living as you will soon know them. What I have come to discover is that we are slowly becoming immune to the effects of rejection that dumping relationships either on personal or corporate grounds is easier today than ever before. But as I have observed human behaviour I have also come to discover a greater rejection that is taking place in our lives today. Rejecting truth is the greatest concern I have for humanity today. Truth as presented by God is what has and will sustain hum...

I Am Persuaded

You only do what you do because you have placed some form of value to it. For example, I believe in God and therefore see my life through His view point as I am convinced that a God centred life is fulfilling and purposeful. Recently I was reminded that in life we are in agreement either with the circumstances of life or with the convictions within that generate hope for a better tomorrow. I just need to jot down some persuasions and address the many circumstances in life that are attempting to speak. I am persuaded that God is God. No arguments or disputes about who God is; He is God. I am persuaded that God is in control. The world may not think so, the news may not show it but God is in total charge of the earth and heavens. I am persuaded that God is able to do what I commit to Him 2 Timothy 1:12b . Irrespective of what life has offered, irrespective of the challenges I have faced, irrespective of what appears to be impossible, irrespective of the tough times we are living in, I ...

New Beginnings

I woke up with an excitement that a new day is beginning in my life. This scripture came to mind "Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. " Isaiah 43:19 . I believe that even in the midst of all the changes or challenges we are all undergoing whether individually, corporately, racially, regionally, nationally or as the entire world God has a new day for you and I. To step into the new day one has to be prepared for it. As I wrote this blog, a friend called to let me know that his wife had been put to bed early and the baby had arrived early. Guess what they were ready for the new arrival. Many times we miss out on the new thing that God has prepared for us because we are not ready. Life is to believed prepared for greatness. To thoroughly enjoy this new day we need a new mindset. Many people want a new beginning in life and they do believe every day is new start but ...