In the account of Jesus resurrection I encountered Thomas famous for his doubting that Jesus arose. This gentleman derided by many for his doubting is really a picture of many today. Think about it how many times do we doubt God. Doubt is not just an expression of thoughts ruminating through the mind but can also be displayed in actions. As I thought about Thomas I realised that many times we, including me, have a similar attitude towards the fulfilment of the promises of God.
Here was Thomas, who had not only seen Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead, he also had seen countless miracles, but had also listened and heard as Jesus had declared Himself to be the Resurrection and Life. He had also heard him say that He would rise within 3 days; yet even when the other disciples told him that Jesus had risen as He had said he doubted. His expression of doubt only revealed his state of mind and heart. How many times do we in life doubt the reality of the promise of God in our life? How many times do we have to believe to see whereas faith requires our seeing the invisible before it becomes visible? Doubt stops thanksgiving in its tracks. Whereas the other disciples gave thanks at the fulfilment of Jesus' Word Thomas expressed doubt and unbelief because he did not see. When we are not thankful for that which God has promised and accomplished for us we are very much like Thomas, a doubter of God's ability to fulfil His promises to us. Don't be grateful just because you see or are holding your miracle in your hands, give thanks for God is able to cause you to truimph as Jesus did.
I will leave you with the Words of Jesus who said "Thomas, because you have seen Me you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed John 20:29." Believing the Invisible Invincible One has great blessings.
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