Have you been rejected by anyone or by an organisation? Its not the best feeling in the world. Rejection leaves one pandering at the abyss of loneliness and desperation, wondering why and what could have been done to save the situation. dejection is what many feel after being rejected. Dejection is the sorrow or grief we have after being refused or granted what we desired. Both these feelings are companions that many are akin to in the world we live in. If you have never felt these feelings then please go on living as you will soon know them. What I have come to discover is that we are slowly becoming immune to the effects of rejection that dumping relationships either on personal or corporate grounds is easier today than ever before. But as I have observed human behaviour I have also come to discover a greater rejection that is taking place in our lives today.
Rejecting truth is the greatest concern I have for humanity today. Truth as presented by God is what has and will sustain humanity. Truth even amongst friends is not held in high esteem. Forgiveness is one truth many are rejecting today. It's more fashionable to hold a grudge than to forgive and move on in wholeness. Speaking the truth is not a guarantee today amongst many people which is causing heartache, remorse and rejection in many lives.
Life is best lived by wholehearted people. Lives that are blighted with rejection and dejection have hearts that are broken. A broken heart cannot relate well. God is the healer and mender of broken hearts. He took Jesus who was the rejected one and made Him the head. God is capable of turning your situation around from one of rejection and dejection to hope. The key to this turn around is first forgiveness. Forgive those who have wronged you. Forgive yourself of any wrong decision you have made that has caused you to regress in life. The next key is giving thanks. Rejection and dejection becloud the horizon of hope with darkness and failure. Having a grateful heart opens the well springs of hope to flow through your broken heart. I have made up my mind that whenever I encounter rejection, I will celebrate that moment because a greater good is coming my way. I have seen in Jesus an example of what happens when one who is rejected is visited by God. Remember that Jesus was rejected by His own, hang on a cross but rose from the dead. Let God visit you, allow truth to mend your heart and watch as God raises you up from the place of rejection to a place of honour.
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