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Showing posts from August, 2011


Walking through this journey of life we have many companions. One companion we all encounter and is either a friend or foe is called PAIN. In the highway of life we will always travel through mountains and valleys in whose midst we meet with pain. We are born in pain, live life seeking to limit pain, and our passing on causes pain to someone. Even Jesus was not immune to pain as the cruxification was nothing but pain. There are many things we can say about pain are is just a few more. P: Personal - Pain is always personal. Ask the mother about child birth, the husband watches and sees the pain but only the mother feels the physical anguish of child birth. Ask the person whose heart has just been broken and their pain is truly evidently personal. A: Agonizing - Anyone who has been in pain knows that pain can however short or long it is it will cause one to agonize. This aspect of pain fuels prayer touching the hearts of both the Hearer and bearer. I: Incidental - Pain is not a constant...


Everyday we go through situations that seem to rock the boat of life and knock the breath out of us. In my studying the bible and biographies of great people I have come to discover one quality they had; namely PASSION. On a daily basis I have discovered my passion for the purpose I was created for is under attack. I have to make every effort to maintain my passion that I may fulfil my purpose. What then is PASSION? P: People lover -Passionate people have people's lives at their centre. A genuine love for people fuels passion. A: Attitude - Passionate people have the right attitude towards life that is positive and uplifting. Negative people are passionless and spineless in life. S: Systematic - Passionate people work with systems and not chaos. Jesus loved people, and when faced with a crowd that was hungry before the miracle He created a system to transmit the loaves and fish that would cater for the need.  S: Servant - Passionate people are willing servants. They service the dr...


Everyday in life I have come to discover that humanity was not made to be self reliant but to be interdependent. We all need HELP somewhere along the journey of life. Help comes in many shapes, sizes or forms. It can be physical or verbal; emotional or mental; spiritual or menial. As I thought about what kind of help do I give and need in life I came to realise that the word HELP was an acronym.      H: Healing - Help will always provide comfort that is a healing balm in some fashion or other.    E: Encouraging - Help will always lift one from one place to a higher plane or dimension in life.  L: Life - Help is a life saver. Ask the person who asked for directions when lost and you will discover that the help given was a life saver.      P: Personal - The best we help we can give is personal. Paying personal attention to another person's challenge pays dividend.  Let it be said of each one of us that we are a helpful...


This fast paced world we live in has pushed aside the role of family and its consequences are really beginning to rear their heads. Family helps place values and purpose in a life. The breakdown of family values has resulted in youths who have lost the purpose for living. While growing up in Africa we constantly heard of riots with a cause but never saw the wanton madness that we have experienced in the United Kingdom. Riots were usually for a reason but this week we have seen kids express themselves with no reason. These have been riots without a purpose by a purposeless generation. A life without a purpose will always be destructive. Solomon wrote of the importance of a vision declaring that where no vision existed the people have no restraint Proverbs 29:18 . What are the benefits of purpose? Purpose gives you direction. Purpose creates boundaries for behaviour. You won't do what castrates your life because you live for a purpose. Purpose brings joy. A purpose fulfilled res...


As I rested overnight I kept dreaming about life. I kept asking what is life? For the past few days I have asked myself what are the keys to a successful life. Everyday we encounter people looking to make their lives better.  As I slept I had this acronym for LIFE drop into my heart. L: Loving - Life is best lived in a loving atmosphere. Successful people are loving people, not just of themselves but of others. Having a loving attitude goes a long way towards making life worthwhile. I: Inspiring - Inspiring people will always be a step ahead of the rest in life. Inspiring people are leaders. Look at Winston Churchill who inspired a nation to victory; look at David who when facing Goliath was inspired by his past victories that he refused to be intimidated by the present. Keep inspiring yourself, surround yourself with inspiring people and watch as you live life to the maximum. F: Favour - This one factor that makes it easy to succeed. Joseph whether in the pit, Potiphar's house,...