Recently everyone with an iPhone had to sync their phones to download the latest operating software for the phone that would enable the phone to operate at a higher capacity than before. As I was syncing my phone recently I realised that many times we cannot access the future because we are not syncing properly. Before I could sync my phone I needed to download the latest software for my computer and phone. I realised that if I wanted to enjoy the full capacity of the phone I needed to download the required software how much more in life.
Everyday as a Christian one must learn to sync their heart with the operating system that is from God. Paul told the church that transformation is only through renewing the mind Romans 12:1. Not syncing your life with the Word of life will result in you remaining in darkness for the Word of God is light Psalms 119:105. At creation when faced with nothing but that which was formless all God did first was speak Light into being. He who is Light gave light to begin creation. You begin moving ahead in life by declaring the Word of God that cannot fail Isaiah 55:10-11. I have made the choice to sync with God's word because His thoughts are superior resulting in far superior ways than mankind Isaiah 55:8.
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