While thinking of the times we are living in, everyone has a choice to make going forward. It's a choice that will determine the outcome of our lives in 2012.We live in days that have been described by some as the darkest ever in many fronts. Isaiah, the prophet, spoke of darkness covering the earth and gross darkness the people but commanded the children of covenant to ARISE as the Lord would arise over His people Is 60:1-2. How should we as God's children then arise?
A: Attentively. When soldiers are called to arise it's never at ease unless instructed. Don't go into 2012 standing lazily, but be attentive in your posture to possess that which God has for you. Pay heed to opportunities that lie ahead.
R: Ready. Be ready to move to the next level. Don't go into 2012 choosing to remain the same but have it in mind that you are moving forward. Kangaroos only move forward never hoping backwards no matter the circumstances.
I: Instruction. Be willing to listen and seek for instructions. Unteachable people never possess their dreams. Every dream is laced with instructions for its fulfilment.
S: Study. In 2012, ensure you are counted as one who is willing to study that life may approve you 2 Tim 2:15 KJV.
E: Encouragement. Don't allow the news and events surrounding you to paint your life. Colour your life with consistent and constant encouragement which will act as a boost to your wings enabling you to fly higher in 2012. Look to God as the lifter of your head in life and see how you will rise.
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