Every morning I make a habit of reading the Psalms to help me start my day off with praise to God. This habit also helps me maintain an atmosphere of gratitude, as I have found it easy to moan in the world we live in.
This morning as I read the Psalms for my devotion I was amazed at how God is in the business of pulling one out of the horrible pit that circumstances sometimes turn out to be. As I thought about this, I realised that this year I have no business being a resident of any horrible pit in life.
For the year to be all that I am expecting, I have no business dwelling in the pit of sorrow, failure, regret, moaning or mourning. As I meditated about the awesome power of God to pull me out of any horrible pit, I realised God this year will pull us out of every mess. You and I are in the age where the mess becomes a message of hope and change. God will pull you out of the pit and place you on solid ground. There can be no other solid footing other than the Jesus who is the Cornerstone, the Rock on which we stand. Determine that 2012 will be the year you leave every horrible pit of life, leave all that is shaky and stand on the solid ground that God has designed for you.
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