I had gone through a tumultuous few days and really just wanted to hear God soothe me and tell me it will be fine even though I was down but not out when I realised the importance of a bridge in life. We use bridges to get to the other side usually going over something that stands or seats as an obstacle to your progress.
As I thanked God for being alive even though I really didn't feel like it I began to walk on the bridge to the other side. Many times when we are faced with trouble we remain at one spot instead of crossing to the other side. What makes the bridge from the place of trouble to the place of safety?
The first bridge builder is the Word of God. Abraham and Sarah were barren but God promised them a son. In Genesis 21 we read that God visited and did to Sarah what He had promised to do, which was cause her womb to become alive and to conceive. She held onto the promise of God and this promise built her future bringing her from impossibility to the miraculous. As you hold onto God's promises for your life may God visit and perform His Word over your affairs.
Another bridge builder is praise. Life's troubles can easily cause one to focus on the issue. Moaners are simply people who are looking down and not up. People who are full of praise to God create an atmosphere for God to work. Jehoshaphat understood the power of praise knowing that praise builds a throne for God to extend His authority (see 2 Chronicles 20). As you praise God even when you don't feel like it you are building a bridge from an atmosphere of gloominess to one of divine possibilities.
Lastly, friends who are not vindictive but beneficial. To go through life and never enjoy the pleasure of friends who provide wise counsel is poverty. Friends who will echo the Word of God and join you in praising God are very precious for they lead you to a life of blessings Psalms 1:1. Thank you to all my friends.
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