Over the last few days I have constantly and consistently been reminded that I am called to a victorious lifestyle. I know that I am in a new season and change will be seen all over my life. Before light filled the earth, God had to declare it and I perceive that I am in a new season that I will define and not allow the enemy of my soul to define my life.
One scripture has been on my heart since Sunday evening and I have just been using it to declare the goodness of God in my life. The Word of God says "The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; yes, I have a good inheritance." Psalms 16:6 NKJV. As I reflected on this passage it became clear to me that the boundaries of the inheritance that is my portion is defined by my declarations of God's promises over my life. It dawned on me that the inheritance God has given to me does not include the misfortunes of life, the sorrows and afflictions that sometimes accompany this journey. The boundaries of God's inheritance for me is best defined by the blessings of God in my life.
The more I thought on this scripture the clearer I heard a sound of victory emanating from within and flooding the atmosphere as God has given me an inheritance that is victorious in every arena of life. No matter how things look right now, let me encourage you as I encourage myself, that God has apportioned within my life nothing but the best. Everything that concerns my life is being perfected and completed by the Most High God, the Creator and Ruler of the universe, the God of my salvation, my Supplier of every need, the One who watches over me (see Psalms 138:8).
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