Last week I shared of a cry within my heart for change. I will reiterate that I am truly fed up with life as it has been and have made up my mind that a new chapter in my life is beginning. I am determined that I will make an impact not only to this generation but to others that follow. To see the changes I desire to see I fully understand that there is a process and it requires my active participation for manifestation to be glorious.
As I thought about the change I desired, it has become clear to me the important role studying has in bringing about change. Change is not brought by mere chance. Thomas Edison tried and tried many times until he created the light bulb that worked. Each time he failed he said he learnt something. Studying allows one to acquire knowledge which when applied correctly gives one wisdom to succeed in life. I have over the last few days been drawing up a reading plan to cover between September and December this year that will place me at the right place to succeed in life going forward.
Another inducer of change other than studying is discipline. Great leaders are disciplined people. I have over the last few days being looking at what areas of my life I need an overhaul. Honesty is the first discipline needed to do this well. Having watched some of the events during the Olympics one thing that was constantly mentioned by the winners of gold medals and their coaches was the discipline needed to achieve success.
I want to encourage you to study well. Paul told Timothy that approval in life came from studying diligently 2 Tim 2:15. Be focused in your pursuit for change in all circumstances. Discipline yourself in all areas of life and get ready to be a beacon of light. It's time to shine and it is now not later!!!
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