Have you ever gotten to a place where you are fed up with the life you have lived so far and just desire to see a change. Over the last few days in the midst of the euphoria of being in the host city of the Olympic games I have become very discontent with my life. Now I am not being ungrateful that I am alive or even healthy; and I am not complaining. I just don't think I have achieved all that God has destined for me. I believe and know that I was born to influence this world for God. I was born to make a difference not just be different.
In the middle of the night recently while walking the streets I began to cry as I realised that I haven't even scratched the surface of all that I can be. As I looked within myself and looked at all that God has for me I realised that its time to make necessary changes that will affect every area of my life. God has placed a hunger within me to strive for more and it begins with a
Change begins with a cry. A cry for better or more; a cry for that which God has destined for me; a cry for the manifestation of all He has ordained for me. Jacob after wrestling with an angel realised that this wasn't enough. You and I may have wrestled through life and not won yet but the blessing God has for us when we cry to Him to connect us with HIs blessing results in spectacular manifestations. Not only was Jacob a changed man but His name was changed.
Change is never accomplished easily but with a passionate attitude or desire to rise to greatness. I made up my mind that I have lived life on the low end enough my time to rise to the greatness God has ordained for me is here. I want to encourage you to rise and fight for your throne that God has prepared for you. David had to fight to see the promise of his reign fulfilled. Pharaoh wont let you go easily, you must be willing to rise to fight for your change of circumstances. Goodbye to the old and I say welcome to the new season of fulfilment. You and I were not born just to float through life but to be influencers of this world. I have settled it within my heart that I will be an influencer per excellence.
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