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A better tomorrow

Everyone is hopeful for a better tomorrow. That's why we say "Good morning" at the start of the day. It's an indicator of the hope within that welcomes the dawning of a new day to bring better fortunes our way. God's mercies are new every morning and His compassion does not fail. When faced with adversity it becomes harder to see a better tomorrow, but resilient people are focused on the fact that trouble is only a comma in the sentence of life. At a time where fear has gripped many hearts because of various reasons, it is difficult to remain hopeful. Without hope, you cannot have the faith necessary to live. Faith is the substance of what is hoped for. Faith gives hope tangibility. To be without hope is to open the door of low living. Hopelessness is the start of damnation in life. You and I were born for a reason. We are not just statistics, making up numbers in any particular nation. You and I were born to reign in life. That situation that has so far made...
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Going Forward

Life has been compared to a roller-coaster ride and not many people enjoy them as many also never enjoy life. "Why would you want to enter a roller-coaster ride where one is turned upside down and yet life's challenges also do the same?". This was an interesting question my friend once asked me. I retorted by saying that it helps take the sting out of life's punches when you have fun even in the midst of the fiery furnace that life is. Recently, like a few years now, I had a situation that really brought me to tears. As I meditated on the events leading to the painful experience I was in, I had to question whether I needed to be on this roller-coaster ride. As I reflected more on what I could have done differently, I began to realise why bitterness is such a killer. Not only did I see my mistakes and what I could have done better, but I also realised where I let my guard down and allowed the enemy in. When going through the throngs of life I was reminded that t...

The Second Coming

Day 300 Reading: Revelation 1:1 - Revelation 22:21 I remember reading the Book of Revelation for the first time as a teenager. It filled me with awe and also left me with questions. It also placed in me a hunger and desire to go to Heaven. This one book in the Bible that many fear reading. Ask many Christians and they will tell you that Revelation fills them with trepidation. Human beings fear death and thinking of the ever after is an issue. The Book of Revelation paints not just a graphic photo of the afterlife but also gives a detailed account of what will happen to all in those days. Here are my few lessons from this awesome Book. Jesus is watching every believer and knows where one's heart is . The first three chapters are opened not just by the encounter John the Apostle has on the island of Patmos but also the admonishments he is given to give as a warning to every church. I am challenged by God's desire for me to overcome in every situation and that He has a ...

Love God!

Day 298 Reading: 1 John, 2 John, 3 John We live in a world that is craving for love. Many are looking for love and looking in all the wrong places. The world is fuelled by a lust that many have mistaken as love. The devil has disguised his offering of lust and camouflaged it as love. We see it every day presented and served to us in many different forms. What many don't understand is that the devil's offering is presented to the world with an icing that covers the contents of what is laid on the plate offering from the enemy. Paul writing to the Corinthians warned them that the enemy does camouflage as an angel of light 2 Corinthians 11:14. The result of consuming what the enemy has served us is that our hearts have been dulled and many of us have shifted from having our moral compass guided by the Bible to become humanistic in our morality. Compromising doesn't begin with a big sin, but with a subtle shift of the heart from loving God wholly to having a mixtur...

Contend for the faith!

Day 299 Reading: The Book of Jude We are living in days that can be best described as the last days. This is evident when you see the backsliding of many who are oblivious to the fact that they are backslidden and don't desire to hear any person pointing out that they are living in sin. Even worse is how believers have taken to discuss the body of Christ with anyone and everyone. Our faith is being fought and many believers are being used to deny the faith yet they are not aware.  Do you know that more persecutions take place today more than any other time in history? Do you know in some places that were once God-fearing, wearing a cross can lead to being fired from your job? Places that worshipped God no longer do. Churches are being converted to shrines and apartments. While this is happening some believers are fighting other believers on matters that don't matter. The reality of Heaven and Hell has been lost by believers leading to many not having a fiery faith ...

Knowing God

Day 297 Reading: 2 Peter 1:1 - 2 Peter 3:18 Many of us have a desire to know God. Even more than the desire to know God is the desire for a miracle in the lives of many. To hunger for a miracle more than hungering for God, Himself is a crime. It's the mistake of the church today. We have preached every message and the believer has listened to every message on how to get, yet God's desire from the beginning of time has been for fellowship. God desires that we know Him. My purpose here on earth is to know God and Him alone.  Peter encourages the believer to understand that grace and peace is tied to one's knowledge of God. Grace and peace are multiplied as you increase in the knowledge of God. Peter continues to tell the believer that God has already given us everything that is for life by God's power. However, Peter makes the believer understand that seeing the manifestation of the promise of things are tied to your knowing God.  God desires to reveal Hi...

It is Settled

Day 296 Reading: 1 Peter 1:1 - 1 Peter 5:14 Challenges are the way of life. We celebrate winners because they overcome hurdles. Think about it, how many times do we celebrate those who innovate or break into new frontiers. The Wright brothers did what no other person had done. They flew a plane. They conquered the law of gravity with the law of flight. Was it a one day exercise? No, it took years. The worked on a plane from 1899 to 1903 when a power plane flew and continued to perfect it and the first practical aeroplane flew in 1905. Thomas Edison is celebrated for inventing the light bulb which he displayed after many failed experiments to get it to work.  Peter in writing to the churches encourages the believers to understand the place of process. He helps the believer understand the period between the trial and deliverance or a miracle is necessary. It's necessary for you and me to learn about trusting God fully. Peter exhorts the believer to fully rest his or her ...