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Showing posts from November, 2011

Where's Your Focus?

While travelling recently I heard a lady say that she reads the horoscope every day but does not believe in it. Listening to her try to explain that even though she thought that her day would be ruined if she didn't read the horoscope and also say that she didn't believe in horoscopes or astrology made me realise that many times we are confused about what we believe and its power over our lives. Many today are seeking for direction in life; more are seeking for appreciation and a pick me up either in coffee or in words spoken to them at the start of the day. As I thought about the lady and her denial about her beliefs I began to think about the many times we read the bible and don't believe it. The same attitude this lady was displaying can be found amongst many believers today. As I sat to examine myself I realised that many times in life our hearts get congested with the rigours of life and as a consequence we lose focus.  Loss of focus leads to sinking, especially when...

God's Not Through With Me!!

Many times while walking on this journey of life we look at our lives and wonder where we are headed to. While speaking with many friends I kept hearing the words 'am tired of this or that'. We are tired of working hard and seemingly going nowhere. The storms that are raging in the world are not only political or economic but every fibre of life is experiencing a shaking.  I have used the Word of God to encourage myself constantly whenever I am faced with challenges. As I have continued to read and listen to the Word of God I have understood why Paul said that the reason he could face the future boldly was because he was confident and full of trust of God in whom he had committed his all to (2 Timothy 1:12) . Paul understood that God was in control of everything and that even when things didn't seem favourable God would work them out in his favour ( Romans 8:28 ).  I want to encourage anyone and everyone who may think that life is just not happening for them as they desir...


The year is coming to an end; somehow the end seems closer than ever. Days just seem to be flying and as a friend told me life is moving faster than the speed of light. Recently, I woke up with the thought of what do I need to do to succeed in the coming year. Many have began planning for the glorious days they desire to see ahead but all the plans will be of no use without this one key, namely PREPARATION. Every chef will tell you that the secret to an excellent meal is in the preparation of the ingredients. Preparation is the key to successful execution of plans not just in the kitchen of a Michelin restaurant but even in life. As one prepares to enter the new year preparation will take many forms. One very important aspect of this will be the closure of matters that can easily be a distraction going forward. One cannot plan properly without closing matters that need to be put away in 2011. Don't allow the issues of the past to hinder your future Isaiah 43:18-19 . As you prepare...

Live Lovingly

Living in any part of the world will present challenges that either make or break us. Challenges are to be overcome not sustained. Every challenge in life will require a key to unlock the door of breakthrough. I have discovered that no matter the challenge one is facing there is one thing that everyone needs, namely love. Love and not the Hollywood sensationalism that the world craves; but the God kind of love that defies all odds is what we all need. The God kind of love gives all when there seems to be nothing; this love is willing to lay down ones life for another person's good. I have discovered that anything is possible for those who love wholly. Not only is anything possible but there is a joy that living life lovingly produces that you cannot buy anywhere. We are not called to live selfishly but selflessly in a loving manner. I will close with the words of one who gave His life that we may have eternal life and not just an earthly life. "There is no greater love than ...

The 11th Hour

For many today we are in the eleventh hour in many areas of life. In footballing terms for many people the the game of life is nearly over; in fact we are playing what we call injury time. It seems as though only a miracle will save anyone from defeat. As this month begins flood your heart with the possibilities if God. Get ready to see mountains move as you speak God's language of faith Mark 11:22-23 . Part of the reason life is not moving is because our hearts are not filled with faith. Jesus said that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks Matthew 12:34 implying that our hearts are the nerve centre of what we say. As we are aware our faith filled words will move mountains but only if the heart is full of faith. Paint your mind and heart with pictures drawn from the living Word of God. Remember nothing is too hard for God Jeremiah 32:27 . God created the universe including you making any challenge insignificant in its power to defy God.