Many times while walking on this journey of life we look at our lives and wonder where we are headed to. While speaking with many friends I kept hearing the words 'am tired of this or that'. We are tired of working hard and seemingly going nowhere. The storms that are raging in the world are not only political or economic but every fibre of life is experiencing a shaking.
I have used the Word of God to encourage myself constantly whenever I am faced with challenges. As I have continued to read and listen to the Word of God I have understood why Paul said that the reason he could face the future boldly was because he was confident and full of trust of God in whom he had committed his all to(2 Timothy 1:12). Paul understood that God was in control of everything and that even when things didn't seem favourable God would work them out in his favour (Romans 8:28).
I want to encourage anyone and everyone who may think that life is just not happening for them as they desire. Anyone who places their entire trust in God, He who is the Creator and Ruler of the Universe will show up on their behalf. God has never failed and if you ensure you are His project then know for sure that He will not let you down. I will close with this promise and prayer by the Psalmist that I believe is appropriate for this season.
"The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O Lord endures forever; do not forsake the works of Your hands. Psalms 138:8" NKJV
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