Living in any part of the world will present challenges that either make or break us. Challenges are to be overcome not sustained. Every challenge in life will require a key to unlock the door of breakthrough. I have discovered that no matter the challenge one is facing there is one thing that everyone needs, namely love.
Love and not the Hollywood sensationalism that the world craves; but the God kind of love that defies all odds is what we all need. The God kind of love gives all when there seems to be nothing; this love is willing to lay down ones life for another person's good. I have discovered that anything is possible for those who love wholly. Not only is anything possible but there is a joy that living life lovingly produces that you cannot buy anywhere. We are not called to live selfishly but selflessly in a loving manner. I will close with the words of one who gave His life that we may have eternal life and not just an earthly life.
"There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for friends." John 15:13 New Living Translation
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