Day 277
Reading: Romans 11:1 - Romans 16:27
What's on your mind? What do you think most about? What preoccupies your mind above all things? Your thoughts are important to God and yourself. You are the sum total of your thoughts. Yes, I know that sounds harsh but how you think will determine your life. Your thoughts give you a perception of life. How you think determines what you see. It's important to understand that if your thoughts are negative your life is negated. If all you think are problems then soon your life will only attract problems. Thoughts are magnets pulling the physical reality of our thinking.
You will meet two types of people in life. Optimists and pessimists. Optimists see the bright side in the horizon always while pessimists never see good only the bad. Sometimes listening to a pessimist will make you realise that their attitude is similar to an ostrich that refuses to look up and instead buries its head in trouble. The question one must ask is what do I need to do to change how I think?
Firstly, realise that if you want the God kind of results which are miraculous one must think like God. Don't lie to yourself that you can eat at God's table by thinking fearful thoughts. Birds of a feather flock together is a famous saying. If you expect God to be around you and you around God you need to think like Him. Don't expect God to be near you if your thinking stinks. He told the children of Israel that their lives are the fruit of their thoughts Jeremiah 6:19. They were in captivity and had forsaken God and if they had maintained God in all their thoughts they would have been free.
Secondly, Solomon declared that you are what you think Proverbs 23:7. Think health and your cells will soon respond healthily. Entertain bad thoughts and soon your life will reflect what is running through your mind. Do you know they say that most cancer survivors are those who chose to think life and not death! That situation you are in what are you thinking about it. Learn to think the Word in every situation.
Thirdly, understand that God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts Isaiah 55:9-11. If you expect to live a higher life or rather to live the God kind of life then you must treasure God thoughts. We begin to treasure God thoughts by renewing our minds to think God thoughts. By taking the word of God and meditating on it we align our thoughts with heaven's frequency.
Paul in challenging the Romans to renew their minds he was challenging believers to not think carnally or as they have always thought regarding the affairs of God. Paul was issuing the same challenge God gave Joshua when He instructed him to spend time meditating, thinking, and doing the Word of God Joshua 1:8. Don't entertain a failure mindset. God made you a victor.
Until you think like God you cannot see as God. As long as you will be choosing to think like you have done for the last many years don't expect to see the supernatural. Think like God and soon your life will be in the realm of God! Science tells us that you will think at least 90% of the thoughts the next day. A clear sign that science is catching up with the Word of God.
Memory Verse: Romans 12:1-2
Romans 13:11
And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. (italics mine)
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