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God in my troubles

Day 281

Reading : 2 Corinthians 1:1 - 2 Corinthians 4:18

Recently while talking with my mum she mentioned how many people are tired of trouble. As she continued talking I kept silent and allowed her to just share her burdened heart regarding all the challenges facing her and many she knew. She knew that her son would say something to encourage her in the midst of all the turmoil facing her and her friends. 

Paul faced trouble. From being stoned, hated for preaching, to being arrested on numerous occasions. He understood trouble so much that when reading through the Book of Acts I was encouraged by his attitude towards all the situations he faced. In this second letter to the Corinthians, though theologians tell us that this was actually the third letter, Paul looks at the challenges we all face in a different way. As I read the first 4 chapters of 2nd Corinthians I realised that Paul looked at the issues of life in a particular way. As I read the more I became aware that God expects me to look at trouble or challenges in life in a particular manner which is not similar to that of the world. If we the children of God look at issues the same way as the world then where is God glorified. The three Hebrew boys were thrown into the fire and didn't forget God or cry tears of complaint. Many today are in fire and they have forgotten who and what God can do.  So what is it that I learnt from Paul who stated that he was hard pressed on every side.

Firstly, maintain a heart of gratitude. Issues can either be approached with a heart full of complaining or one of gratitude. When you start asking why me you have missed that this is a moment for your lifting. Every test is an exam that when passed will take you to the next level. Complaining will keep you imprisoned. Thanksgiving will cause earthquakes. Remember Paul was in prison and as he prayed and sang songs of thanksgiving God set him free. Learn to rejoice even in the midst of trouble. Questioning can lead to complaining and this will extinguish your faith. Praise and thanksgiving generate faith in God. 

Secondly, never forget that God is in control. The day you think that the issue is bigger than God you have failed the exam that a challenge possess. What is your reality? Is God's truth your reality or is it the issue you have? A doctor told me once that I would be on medication for the rest of my life. I had a choice to either agree with him or speak the Word of God. I learnt over a period of 17 years as I dealt with this issue that I could either hold onto God or be swallowed by the stigma of the disease. Epilepsy wasn't fun however by God's grace I overcame. Even when all seemed lost I refused to wallow in pity but to speak the Word. I simply declared that this was a test and God was in control. My healing was already a settled matter and there was no negotiation about it. I learnt to keep telling myself that God was in charge and the devil was not in control.

Thirdly, God is a Deliverer. Lean on Him. David cried to God when his son Absalom made him flee Jerusalem. As David fled we read of his prayer in Psalm 3. He declared that God is his shield, glory and lifter of his head Psalms 3:3. Those were David's words as he was fleeing from his son who was sleeping in broad daylight with his concubines. When you see God as your Deliverer your language on that issue will be different.  That fight you have is not forever. It's for a moment. 

Your language in a crisis will determine your elevation or stagnation. Recently, I kept hearing people saying there is no money. I became troubled by how often I was hearing this statement from so many people. Yes, world economies are troubled but does that mean there is no money. God asked me a question about how come the rich are getting richer? If there was no money then even the rich should be complaining. That got me thinking. Do you know that 357 people became billionaires in 2017? They increased from millionaire status. Only people who don't make money say there is no money and consequently remain there. Billionaires even when things are tough are not negative in thinking or talking about money.  A farmer sows in expectation of rainfall leading to a harvest. Your words are seeds and your life is simply a reflection of what you have been saying or sowing. Opportunities never come to those whose attitude is that there is no money. God is not mean and do not blame Him that you are not getting what you want as God only gives the fruit of your thinking Jeremiah 6:19. 

Lastly, understand that that issue, challenge or trouble you are facing is a fire that is purifying you. Fire refines and God is the Refiner. Precious metals when excavated need to be refined through fire. I will end with Paul's words: 'For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal' 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 (italics mine)

Memory Verse: 2 Corinthians 1:20


2 Corinthians 2:14
Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. (italics mine)


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