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You and I are on a journey. Exodus is about the journey to freedom. Its a story of God's salvation and love for His people. This book tells us not only of God's power but also shows us His faithfulness at maintaining the promises given in His covenant with Abraham.

I don't know what you may be experiencing but I want to encourage you to know that you are being set up to get out of the jail you may be facing. In Exodus we see the the children of God move from a position of favour to slavery before their redemption. We also an awesome display of God's power. In Exodus we have the first of the laws that God gave His people. Also in Exodus we see a dimension of the glory of God that causes the heart to tremble at the majesty of the Great I Am; we see not only the merciful side of grace but encounter the judgement seat of God.

Exodus is filled with great covenant promises. It's in Exodus God introduces Himself as the I Am. God was introducing Moses to a dimension of intimacy through His name. A name is an identity and no name could limit the identity of God. In Exodus God assures us of our health as He is the Lord our healer. As you go through the journey of life always know that God is your Healer, healing you of the effects of the distractions and destruction of the enemy.

Finally, for me the most important thing about Exodus is the reason why they had to leave Egypt. Moses said he was sent to seek the release of God's people that they may go and worship God. God is seeking a people who will worship Him alone. Your exodus from slavery is dependant on your commitment to worship as a lifestyle. Creation was created to worship God not creation. My greatest stirring while reading Exodus is to examine my worship. Is there anything beclouding my worship to God? My mind is made up to worship Him alone without any encumbrances. Please join me in this walk of worship for therein you will be fulfilled.


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