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What Are You Seeing

As the year draws to a close and we begin preparing for the coming year its vital that one's looks back whilst looking forward. Its important to look back and give thanks for being alive. Irrespective of what you faced this year, give thanks because you have another day to live. Its important also to look forward. This enables one to build expectations of the coming year. As we read the bible build your expectations for the coming days with promises of God's goodness. Let the Word be the foundation that you stand on.

The book of 1st Samuel is the story of two kings. David's anointing to be king reveals the importance of insight from God. Many times we do things because it looks good. Samuel saw a young man who had all the physical qualities but did not have the backing of God. As I step in the coming year I have made up my mind to walk with divine insight. Divine insight guarantee's success, victory, fulfillment, peace, goodness, and abundance.

Note that when you recognise that which is yours through divine insight you receive the backing of heaven. As you prepare for Christmas and the coming year I want to challenge you to seek divine insight that will enable you to soar to high places. David was set apart through divine insight. His life was one filled with divine insight. The Psalms are a testament to his desire for divine insight in all things. His victory over Goliath was a testament of his interaction with divine insight. Seek divine insight from the Word and experience dimensions of testimonies hereto unknown.


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