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Going On

Soon we will enter 2010. Over the last few days I have sought to prepare my mind for 2010. and hopefully you have been doing the same. As I have read the Word of God I have sought for wisdom that will enable me to soar in 2010. My prayer is that the next decade will be one where you notice noticeable change in all that pertains to you.

In today's reading we meet David the king again. As I wrote earlier, the book of Chronicles is history told from another point of view. I want to mention two things as we prepare to cross over into 2010. Firstly, the people of Israel understood that God had called David. I am amazed that even though they were not there when Samuel prophesied to him, they clearly saw the call of God over his life and agreed with it. In 2010 may the environment, circumstances, life agree with the prophecy concerning your life's purpose. He was crowned King over Israel as they agreed with the entire prophecy that had preceded him all his life. In 2010 may you be crowned king/queen in life.

The second and most important for me was that David went on and became great. This statement says alot. Many start but don't become great. Many dream but don't become. Many aspire but don't perspire to inspire. How did David go on? The bible is filled with stories of how he fought battles to become the great king. I want to encourage you that as you enter 2010 wage the good fight of faith. Don't give up on God. David was accompanied in all his goings by the Lord of hosts. As you enter 2010 may you be accompanied by the Great I Am.

Press on and become great in 2010.


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