Day 216 Reading: Ezekiel 17:1 - Ezekiel 21:32 Now before the grace preachers hit the delete button, this blog is about the daily readings. Sin has a prize that is painful, and that's not a spelling mistake. Reading through the Book of Ezekiel we keep seeing God calling His children back to Him. Sin can be defined as that which displeases God. Sin has plagued mankind from the Garden of Eden. Sin didn't begin when you came into the earth. It was the sin that resulted in Adam and Eve being evicted from the Garden of Eden. Disobedience to the command of God resulted in Adam and Eve leaving the place God had settled them. In the Law of Moses, blessings were promised for obedience and curses to those who disobeyed. The whole reason the children of Israel went into captivity was in fulfilment of God's word that when they walked in disobedience the children of Israel would become slaves. Sin makes you a slave of a system that is not your natural place. Ezekiel was...
Daily we need to rise, conquer and be all that we can be.