Day 243
Reading: Zechariah 11:1 - Zechariah 14:21
Do you wonder what the timeline is in God's eyes? The headlines, the happenings, all the crime, corruption, poor economic news, the debt levels, everything seems to be heading in one direction: bad news. In the midst of the doom and gloom that we seem to live in, there is a story that the world is not paying attention to. Zechariah calls the children of God to attention. Zechariah issues a clarion call that God is coming into the scene and this will have a dramatic effect.
My dear reader a day is coming when we shall see God. A day is coming where we shall see Him in all of His glory. It shall be a day of great awe as humanity meets its Maker. This will be a moment where the created meets the Creator. The day of the Lord will be a day where the enemy will be devastated as he will know that his life is over. All those who refused to worship God will worship Him. It will be a day where those who have survived the onslaught of the enemy will discover that they have been refined for their Maker.
How do we prepare for this day of awe that is coming whether we believe it or not?
- Pray, pray, pray. Learn the importance of the Spirit of grace and supplication. In prayer, we desire to see God's will established on earth. The Spirit of grace is released to enable us to seek God bearing the burden of the state of many who are living a godless life.
- Remove every idol. God is coming to defend Himself. You and I cannot defend Him. Every idol mankind has invented is about to discover who really is God of the heavens and the earth. Clean up your act, get ready for a shaking that will shake out everything that is not of God.
- Live for God alone. Let your life reflect His goodness and glory. Let everything about you be about God's purpose. God is coming to possess what is His and everyone that doesn't worship Him will be destroyed. Anything that doesn't reflect God in your life this is the opportunity to lay it down, run towards the throne of God for mercy is available.
- Tell everyone to get ready. Remember Ezekiel was warned that if he didn't prophesy as directed then the blood of those he was sent to would on him. The world is looking for answers. You and I carry those answers. It's our time to tell them the truth. Peradventure people, nations, businesses, governments will come seeking for you because of the wisdom that delivers that you will give.
Behold the day draws nigh! Are you ready?
Memory Verse: Zechariah 12:1
Zechariah 12:10
“And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn." (italics mine)
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